
The anti hate and anti racist stance by Swansea City that was ignored by the Welsh media & FAW

After two weeks of ‘thinking about it’ ( more than likely looking at the financial costs ) we have a strong movement that indicates this weekend all social media will not be utilised by a whole host of organisations, profiled users, and football clubs. We welcome that, but where were they three weeks ago ?

Swansea City led the way and that was the catalyst, Birmingham City and Rangers followed and to all clubs credit as the action did make worldwide headlines. Internationally it was greeted with a very positive strap line, UK newspapers gave it big headlines, very few did not. It wasn’t off the SKY Sports headlines for two days. The football community welcomed the action, again the dissenters were in the minority, but there’s a reason why they couldn’t agree with Swansea, it’s not hard to work out.

The statement released by Swansea City hit Sky Sports headlines, Eurosport and many outlets in the USA. In fact across the world it was big news.

"As a football club, we have seen several of our players subjected to abhorrent abuse in the past seven weeks alone, and we feel it is right to take a stand against behaviour that is a blight on our sport, and society at large. We will always be unwavering in our support of our players, staff, supporters and the community that we proudly represent, and we are united as a club on this issue. We also want to stand with players from other clubs who have had to endure vile discrimination on social media platforms. As a club we are also acutely aware of how social media can impact on the mental health of players and staff, and we hope our strong stance will highlight the wider effects of abuse."

Of course within Wales it was also welcomed, Wales on Line, apparently the voice of Wales carried it as a ‘local news story‘ whilst they reported on their front pages smoke in Cardiff city centre, and other worthless junk stories of little impact or value. Yes junk stories when the biggest news story of the month was ignored.

Cardiff City predictably didn’t join the swans in any support like Rangers and Birmingham City.

In fairness to the FA of Wales and Wales on Line, they deserve to respond so we contacted them directly, and in numerous ways. We asked them to comment on their lack of support, or explain where that support was recorded, and you won’t be surprised we have heard nothing back. Not even an acknowledgement as to our contact. We have already pointed the finger directly at Wales on Line and asked for some response via twitter as well. Again nothing.

To treat the action taken by the swans with such contempt, as far as we are concerned is supporting racism. When you don’t react to a campaign by a club that has had three players abused racially on social media other than to pay lip service you are supporting racism. When you fail to support an action by a football club that is known throughout the world and gets headlines universally as a result, but choose to keep it as a local news story, you are supporting racism. When your agenda outside of your own support for your own football club affects your decision making to support the action by the swans you are supporting racism. When the national association of Wales has absolutely nothing in its content to support this action, makes no comment, has no on line feature, no response when asked why, and ignores the situation completely you are supporting racism.

How many different ways do you want it ? Reporting on something but offering nothing as a resource or help means nothing.

So don’t tell us you are supporting these actions, because we don’t believe you, not only that you bleed like a haemorrhaging beast by your silence. Your antiquated bigotry towards the most successful football club in Wales is well documented. Nothing more highlighted this as your failure to report appropriately the action by the swans. You have within your grasp hundreds of thousands of people every day, you can make a difference, but chose again to ignore it. The FAW are disgusting in their silence, Wales on Line, well, we know the real reasons, you have your local reporter get out clause, but what about a proper sports editorial ? Where was that ? Maybe there was something engrained in you that prevented a proper ‘ get behind the swans ‘ editorial ?

Makes you think doesn’t it.

Of course we don’t know about your real feelings, all we have is your ignorance and silence. What we do know is that we are pointing the finger straight at you, and unequivocally stating very clearly, you support racism. So what are you going to do about it ? Come on, are you institutionally racist ? Or are key employees not bothered because the story doesn’t come from two miles down the road ?

We know the truth, and we are watching you. And every move from now on that doesn’t support all the actions that you should will be highlighted on here. Yes ok, we are just a small website, but our million plus views a month will be read, understood, and taken on board. Supporting the national actions this weekend is also a cop out, that just goes to show and prove our point already made. Why do it now but fail to even more than whisper it when it was on your doorstep ?

Racism comes in many forms, and to not support any action that could make a difference makes you a part of the problem. Every time. And we don’t care what you say, do, or think. You had your chance and you bled from every pore the real truth.


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