
Ronald Koeman Sacked By Everton !

Many Saints fans will be delighted with the news that Everton have sacked former Saints boss Ronald Koeman, personally I am just a little sad and wistful about what might have been.

Ronald Koeman was on course to challenge Lawrie McMenemy & Ted Bates for the title of Saints best ever manager 16 months ago, after two straight top 7 finishes & Europa League League qualifications he looked set for a great third season at St Mary's, one that perhaps might see him bring a trophy to the club.

Then came Everton, they were determined to get their man, perhaps because the man they had tasked with finding them the right man for the job, persuaded Koeman firstly to ditch his own agent and join him and then made sure that Everton came up with more and more money till eventually Koeman could not turn it down, becoming something like the 7th highest paid manager in the World at the time.

But right from the start you sensed his heart was not really in the job, at his own press unveiling he admitted that he was expecting to stay at Southampton right until a week or two before, he didn't quite say that he went for the money, but you didn't need to be a rocket scientist to get what he mean't.

You felt that he was starting to realise that he had compromised his own morals and ethics to take the job and he was starting to regret selling his sold for cash before the ink was dry on the contract.

Everton fans perhaps sensed that his heart wasn't at Goodison too, the problem was that Koeman like many Dutchmen is very pragmatic, he was to the point and didn't have as much tact as is needed when going to a club like Everton.

Their fans wanted to hear him tell them that Everton were the top club on Merseyside, that they were now going to challenge for a top four spot, that was the rhetoric coming out of Farhad Moshiri the club's new majority shareholder, but Koeman seemed unable to put out the company line, he perhaps realised that the Toffee's were a long way behind the big six in everything including stadium, financial income and the ability to attract the top players.

Put bluntly Koeman was not taken to heart by Everton fans because he didn't lie to them, he told them the truth and they didn't like it, they wanted to be told that success was only a big transfer fee away, that they were back in the big time, Koeman knew it would take more than words.

That being the case he probably realised that his job was doomed from the start, a top four finish or a trophy was the only thing that would keep him in the job more than two years, Moshiri is a new breed of owner, instant success is all that matters.

Koeman perhaps knew that although he could now spent £50 million on a player, he would never buy a player worth that amount, this summer's spending spree saw Everton spend big, but none of the signings suggested value for money, only overpriced players brought in so the club could make a statement, the fact that they bought in three players in the same position for big money and wages suggested that Koeman wasn't in charge of transfers, it was all about spend spend spend.

Given that like their near neighbour across Stanley Park Jergun Klopp, Everton didn't address problem areas but went for marque signings, yous sensed Everton would fail.

But it is harsh how Koeman has been hung out to dry, the fact is he was brought in to do a job that is perhaps beyond anyone at present and that is make Everton a top four side, no one connected wth Everton be it the club or supporters seemed to realise just how enormous this task was, the fans especially felt that all was needed was a name manager and some money, they didn't take into account that at least six clubs had better inrastructure and a squad light years ahead of Everton's.

Still Koeman made his choice, sold hs own morals for a big pay day and because of that now finds that his career has perhaps gone back five years, in the summer of 2016 he was tipped to be the next manager of Barcelona, Holland and even Arsenal, his next move would surely be to a truly top job.

Another year at St Mary's would have cemented his reputation and given him the pick of jobs, instead he opted to be lead by his agents talk of riches and went for money, now he will not be high on Barcelona's list or any big job for that matter, he will now be seen as a manager who is OK at the mid level or with teams in Holland where it is not so competitive, although even his good work with Feyenoord is now overshadowed by Giovanni Van Bronckhorst who won the Dutch Cup and then their first title since 1999 including a first Champions League place in 15 years.

So today Ronald Koeman joins that list of those who should never have left Southampton, it started with the Titanic and in recent times has included Luke Shaw, Callum Chambers, Dejan Lovren, Rickie Lambert and now Ronald Koeman.

As I say although part of me feels that justice has been done, really I just feel numb, numb about what could have been for Ronald Koeman and Southampton FC, both could now be a lot more better off than they are today, although we have continued to make steady progress, Koeman is now back in the also rans of management althou he will have plenty of money to enjoy his time off and reflect what might have been at St Mary's.

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