| Forum Thread | Corbyn and Trump at 13:52 2 Jun 2017
It's fascinating the way the Corbyn strategy has echoed that of Trumps. "Drain the swamp" - "I'm not part of the elite" "Biased media" "Hillary's unwell" - Owen Jones and Paul Mason now pushing the claim May could be ill and thus unfit to lead. For someone Labour found as deplorable as Trump, they sure as hell don't mind copying his campaign themes. What next? "We'll help the brickies oppressed by the 1% elite by getting them work building walls". |
 | Forum Thread | UKIP election broadcast at 18:30 19 May 2017
Nuttall states five aims. Computer graphics add the second one before the first one was displayed. Sums it all up really. |
 | Forum Thread | Well, well, well. at 14:37 14 May 2017
I know there are some on here who like to claim they've "forgotten more about football than others know" but I'd just like to point out it was a Scummer who months ago said you'd just about stay up due to their being 3 worse clubs. It would be churlish to be smug, but hey ho... Grats on staying up. |
 | Forum Thread | Tim Farron at 18:12 25 Apr 2017
No fan of his, but media, Labour et al focusing on his views on gay sex... I wonder if those same people would question similar views of say a Muslim rather than a Christian? |
 | Forum Thread | Lady Nugee strikes again! at 13:23 24 Apr 2017
Who says Corbyn's rich shadow cabinet aren't down with the proles? Lady Nugee on LBC was talking about the effect of VAT on middle incomes. “Things like VAT are things that people on average incomes are hardest hit — we all have to buy milk.” Sadly for Lady Nugee, milk is zero rated. As in, there's no VAT payable on milk. No, none of those pesky elites in Corbyn's cabinet! |
 | Forum Thread | And you complain about your Trust... at 23:13 20 Apr 2017
Statement from the Board of Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust The Trust board was made aware in December last year that under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Society Act of 2014, the registration of the Cardiff City Supporters Society Ltd (the registered name for the Trust) had been cancelled because of a failure to submit annual returns to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and its predecessor between December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2015. This was a result of significant administrative and communication shortcomings. These errors arose because there were not checks in place to ensure that all accounts, AGM minutes etc, which had been completed and approved by members at those AGMs, had been submitted to the FCA. Also the board was unaware that the FCA had not been notified of a change of address of the registered office for the old society, so that any notifications of non-filing were not brought to the attention of the board. The board wishes to apologise to members for these unacceptable errors. We would like to reassure members that during the period in question our accounts were certified annually by qualified, independent chartered accountants and there has been no financial impropriety, which has been recognised by the FCA. There was, however, a failure under the act to submit them to the FCA as required. As a result of the removal of registration, the board has been restructured. In addition, a new Company Secretary has been appointed. Once we were made aware of the cancellation of the registration, we immediately contacted Supporters’ Direct (SD), the umbrella organisation for all Trusts, for advice on the way forward. As a consequence, it was agreed with FCA and SD that the only available option was to apply for a new registration. This has been done in the new corporate name of Bluebirds Supporters’ Society Limited, although the Trust will still be known by its “trading” name of Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust. We have met all the requested requirements of the FCA and are now awaiting confirmation that the re-registration of the society can take place. Once registered, all assets of the old company will transfer across to the new company. There will be no need to change membership standing orders etc. as bank details will remain the same. We will then arrange a meeting of members to formalise the new arrangements. We hope that this can take place as soon as possible. Once again, we would like to apologise for the failures identified and assure members that important lessons have been learnt. We are confident that measures are in place to ensure that this cannot happen again and we can now look forward to a positive future. Finally, can any replies to this message be sent to members@ccfctrust.org please. |
 | Forum Thread | Rigged system at 16:30 20 Apr 2017
Early returns seem to indicate Coyne ahead of McCluskey for Unite head role. Coyne magically suspended after voting but before the result announced amidst allegations of data protection breaches. Len McCluskey's partner runs Corbyn's office. Fighting rigged systems indeed... |
 | Forum Thread | #PrayForLeanneAndTrampie at 13:57 6 Apr 2017
With Reckless leaving UKIP and being independent, but voting with Tories, Plaid are no longer the opposition party in Wales. I feel their pain... |
 | Forum Thread | FAO Dazzer at 13:45 24 Mar 2017
FOund an old portable DAB radio - had many a good time listening to Planet Rock, Team Rock. Both now sadly seem to be "service unavailable". Have all good music channels fled the medium of DAB? Are there no good rock channels there anymore? |
 | Forum Thread | FAO LeonWasGod at 21:04 18 Mar 2017
How was the game today for you, fella? Parked ok? |
 | Forum Thread | RIP John Surtees at 18:21 10 Mar 2017
A great racer. Only guy to win world championships in both two and four wheel formats. RIP. |
 | Forum Thread | BBC News feature on Farcebook at 18:14 7 Mar 2017
And the dodgy pictures some put on there. Isn't it interesting the BBC failed to mention in their report that when asked by Farcebook for examples, BBC journalists *sent* them pictures. As in communicated pictures of child abuse. Which is illegal - hence Farcebook reporting those Beeb journos to the police. Can't think of a reason for the Beeb to forget to report that fact. |
 | Forum Thread | Tax needn't be taxing... at 22:57 5 Mar 2017
... I believe the phrase was. Corbyn wants to try to point score by releasing his tax returns. Last year, filed late I do believe so he was fined. This year he declares 117k of income. 35k or so of that was pension and benefits. The story however is that his return seems to have omitted 40k as Labour leader from his return. So was it a mistake ( can't get tax returns sorted correctly on a regular basis ), was it that he declined the pay ( do Labour do performance related pay? ) or is he a stinking tax dodger. Only Jezza can make an attempted point about others taxes and make such a pigs ear of it that the story is now about him. |
 | Forum Thread | Bana Alabed at 23:06 7 Feb 2017
Her and her mum magically deleted their twitters accounts today. Lovely little Bana posted a picture of a young girl with their arms up - saying it was her younger sister who reacts as if the camera was a gun. Except it was a photo of a girl from Syria in 2015... and Bana doesn't have a younger sister, think I read somewhere? The people running the account tried to cover it by then tweeting "all young girls are my sisters..." only to then delete their account. Got to love the media jumping on fake news... [Post edited 7 Feb 2017 23:09]
 | Forum Thread | Def Leppard Viva Hysteria at 23:14 3 Feb 2017
On Sky Arts at the moment. Is it me or is lead singer Joe Elliott a dead ringer for Dazzer? Clearly Elliott has lost his good looks... |
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