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I hope this is and stays just a rumour.
at 12:57 16 Jun 2024

I might be wrong but it seems managers rarely dismiss rumours like this. Perhaps they like the attention?
General Election Thread
at 11:50 16 Jun 2024

Your accusation is an old and tired one that's been debunked time and again. As QPRJim points out, the opposite of what you say is true. It's the fossil fuel industry among others that pay big money to support their interests.

I suggest you have a quick read of this: The Baseless Claim That Climate Scientists Are ‘Driven’ by Money
General Election Thread
at 10:18 16 Jun 2024

I’m going to focus on the Climate Change issue as I can’t keep this going on multiple issues.

You mention the younger dryas period, the milankovitch cycles, gleissberg cycles, solar radiation and earth’s magnetic field, as factors that may have affected the climate in the past and maybe doing so today. Climate science does not conclude any of these have a bearing on the rapid changes in the climate today.

The overwhelming scientific consensus for the cause of present day global warming is CO2 produced since the industrial revolution. The discovery that CO2 had a greenhouse effect was made in the mid 19th century. In the mid 20th century scientists began to wake up to the influence humans were having on the climate. Human activity has increased CO2 by nearly 50% since 1750. This rise is greater than at any point since the end of the last ice age 20,000 years ago. Man made CO2 is causing today’s climate change.

This scientific fact is very, very well established by thousands of scientists around the world and tens of thousands of scientific reports produced over many decades. Yet you dismiss all this with "…it's just another means to tax, control us, limit our freedom of movement…". Frankly Hud, it’s no wonder kensalriser wrote what he did.
Transfer rumours 2024
at 16:30 15 Jun 2024

To the Chiswick one yeah, but he has 4 others around England plus one in Germany and one in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

So if true, as it seems, it must mean a new keeper coming in. Walsh would benefit from another loan out as he needs games to continue his development. However, that would leave only Murphy or Salamon as cover so perhaps there could be a recall option on the loan.
General Election Thread
at 15:02 15 Jun 2024

You repeatedly say I am oblivious to things, blinkered, need to wise up, etc. You must be so wise and omniscient to have such knowledge about me that it seems impertinent to carry this on but I will, and without resulting to scorn.

Do you know anything about, say, Tory Cllr Anthony Stevens - and that's without googling it?

Have you never heard of the many women working in transgender support services? Or come across the research showing over 80% say they are “not prejudiced at all” towards transgender people?

Can you tell me on what scientific research you base your assertions about climate change? I would be happy to provide the same for my assertions. And, can you provide the facts that support your statement that "it's just another means to tax, control us, limit our freedom of movement"?

It would appear New Zealand have messed up their attempts at energy transition. That doesn't mean you can't transition to renewable energy properly. PS I couldn't read your link as I don't have and wouldn't want a Telegraph account.
General Election Thread
at 13:07 15 Jun 2024

You are right, of course, Clive. These issues are complex and debating them on social media is almost pointless. But the climate crisis is such an important issue I will always give it a go.

Trains are the way to go but you're right about the shocking state of the train network in the UK. You'll know first hand with all the travel you do. That said, this past week I traveled to and from Glasgow by train and it was fine.

The answer clearly is to start building a new nationalised train network tomorrow. It would take many years but, as I keep saying, is the choice of flying whenever you want and having a liveable planet a difficult one to take?
General Election Thread
at 12:59 15 Jun 2024

I have a son and his family in Graz, Austria and a son and his family in New Jersey, US. So I know the personal problems. But, as said, is the choice between flying whenever you want and having a liveable planet such a difficult one to make?
General Election Thread
at 12:55 15 Jun 2024

I understand your point and, as you'd expect, I wouldn't want Farage or his ilk anywhere near Parliament either.

But, the possibility of having someone like Farage in Parliament is the trade off when having a proper democratic representation under PR. The challenge would be to win the argument against people like him whether that be inside or outside the HoC. I would be prepared to accept this and polls show today the majority of the public wants PR too.
General Election Thread
at 12:09 15 Jun 2024

I get your point and personally would like to see far tougher measures on the most frequent flyers, particularly those that use private planes as they are the worst polluters.

The way a frequent flyer levy would work is the first flight you take, departing flight that is, would have no tax, the second one would have a relatively low rate, say £10, the third £20, fourth £40, fifth £80 - it either doubles or goes up in large increments. So for most, an annual holiday abroad wouldn't be massively affected.

However, everyone who can fly (and remember there is a significant number of people in the world who will never be able to afford to fly) needs to be prepared to reduce the flights they take because of the climate crisis. The choice between taking a flight anytime you want and having a liveable world isn't difficult, is it?
General Election Thread
at 11:45 15 Jun 2024

What would the Greens force you to do?

I know little of the Green councillor you mention. Is he a 'radical'? I don't know, but doubt it. However, I do know the term "Alluhah Akbar" is one that is used by most Muslims in all sorts of ways such as the birth of a child, completing a fast, or getting a wage rise. There's actually no reason at all to feel chilled by it.

The Greens believe in the right of self-identification for trans and non-binary people. They also believe in standing up against misogyny and violence against women and girls. Like many others, you have a different view to them but as a relatively new issue, the trans debate has yet to be bottomed out and needs a lot more research and discussion.

And Climate Change... Wouldn't it be common sense to listen to and follow the actual science? When 99% of scientists in all climate related fields tell us we're in an existential crisis, wouldn't taking immediate and effective action to prevent a global catastrophe be the only thing to do? Those who are anti-science or believe in Climate pseudo-science or have some kind of conspiratorial theory about this issue are the ones tending toward cultism.
General Election Thread
at 10:19 15 Jun 2024

It's long overdue. Aviation is the fastest-growing source of CO2 emissions, and it’s the wealthiest driving this trend. In the UK, around 15% of people take 70% of all flights, and they are the wealthy.

We simply can't allow rich people to keep on living like that.
General Election Thread
at 09:38 15 Jun 2024

I know! Isn't it great? A party with proper left wing policies like taxing the mega wealthy, providing for the most vulnerable, taking the climate crisis seriously and being prepared to change our outdated electoral system so we have a real representative political system instead of one in name only.

Thanks for pointing this out.
I hope this is and stays just a rumour.
at 15:08 14 Jun 2024

QPR announced a few weeks ago that we're partnering with Gemini Sports Analytics which uses AI. I believe we're the first or one of the first clubs to do this. How effective it will be in player recruitment remains to be seen.
at 12:25 14 Jun 2024

I'm not sure Kolli is a striker. He's more a no 10 or wide left of a front 3 which is where he's played for the Dev Squad. I'd like to see him get a good half season loan out and see where that takes him.
I hope this is and stays just a rumour.
at 10:05 14 Jun 2024

Hmmm, yeah maybe I'm wrong on this. I guess I'm just desperate for Cifuentes to stay but I can see that isn't the best basis on which a club should operate. I'm just so tired of the manager merry-go-round.
I hope this is and stays just a rumour.
at 08:30 14 Jun 2024

Good point but are we able to identify and attract high caliber players as Brentford has? We seem to be moving in the right direction but we're not there yet. If we had to keep JCS so that Cifuentes stayed with us, it would be more than worth doing.
I hope this is and stays just a rumour.
at 20:46 13 Jun 2024

Well this is looking downright depressing. Nourry better be ready to earn his stripes if this goes nipples north.
New Away kit .
at 18:27 13 Jun 2024

I seem to remember the pink shirt was a big seller. No idea why though.
General Election Thread
at 15:48 13 Jun 2024

That's just whataboutery and doesn't change the facts in the UK.

There were plenty of countries that did not see a declining life expectancy before Covid such as Italy and Finland.

Tory austerity was to blame for the fall in UK life expectancy post 2011.
General Election Thread
at 13:55 13 Jun 2024

Actually, life expectancy in the UK started to fall in 2011, a year after the Tories came to power in coalition and brought in their austerity measures. Covid certainly had a huge effect from 2020 but there is no question that the Tories had a detrimental effect on the health of large parts of the population.
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