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Nigel Farage
at 21:47 19 Jun 2024

Aldershot's Conservative candidate has done something unheard of by coming out only a short while back by openly admitting that his constituencies Conservative vote has been hit extremely hard, because (he's heard it on the door!) '"Loads" (his words!) are turning to the Reform party!

There is going to be a lot of recrimination and seething anger post election when losing Conservative M.P’s and heavy hitters finally go off script and become mutinous and disloyal in mass numbers by turning on the party itself.

And my guess is that Britains disgraceful excuse of a prime minister is going to get it big time. Could not even respect D-day hey!!!!

There is going to be a lot of recrimination and blame once the requirement for self-discipline and party loyalty is no longer required!
Nigel Farage
at 20:23 19 Jun 2024

Idiots and witchfinder generals who throw around malicious false accusations and insults like gammon, Nazi, racist, bigot, far-right, knuckle dragger, fascist, Neanderthal etc must surely be the elite for enabling home goal outcomes.

When common sense was dished out they were not even at the back of the queue because they tripped over their own feet trying to get there. Special mention to Michael Heseltine with his "racist" accusation. He just does not get it does he?

Never learnt from the referendum, never learnt from the EU elections and still not learnt to this very day!
[Post edited 19 Jun 20:29]
at 18:34 19 Jun 2024

Sunak predicted to lose his seat!

at 18:06 19 Jun 2024

It goes from bad to worse!
Nigel Farage
at 16:03 19 Jun 2024

Add to that Walkers Crisps, Signode, Dewhirst clothing, Addis, Mettoy, 3M's, Bryngwyn Steelworks, Velindre Steelworks, Toyoda Gosei, Lye Tinplate and a good few more.

The youngsters of today have very little prospects in Wales outside of the public sector, because its agency employment, part time employment and temporary employment stuff.

I spoke to a taxi driver who had applied to be an hospital porter. I thought to myself "little to no chance" of him getting it, because hundreds upon hundreds would have applied for a job that offers security and better working conditions !
🔴🔵🟡🟢⚫️ Who are you voting for ?
at 15:25 19 Jun 2024

Staggering to think that "border control" no longer exists! The decline of Western civilization where numerous (not just one!) governments have refused to fully protect their own societies and citizens.

Once upon a time border control was right justly viewed as an absolute necessity! Why no longer? What we are all seeing beggars belief. And would never have been predicted a decade or so back in time!

And of course that it is why many think that this is a case of it being more by design than an accident. Because it looks that way now doesn't it?
Nigel Farage
at 14:24 19 Jun 2024


That's Farge for ya!
Labour less popular now than under Corbyn?
at 13:57 19 Jun 2024

And here is a rather candid opinion from a senior high ranking Conservtaive, which backs everything up even further.

QUOTE: Tory peer and ex-chief Brexit negotiator Lord Frost says Nigel Farage standing in the election is “squeezing our vote”.

“It’s killed off our efforts to squeeze the Reform vote, which was clearly the strategy at the start of the election. It’s not worked.”END OF QUOTE
Labour less popular now than under Corbyn?
at 13:52 19 Jun 2024

Indeed something very profound and remarkable is happening!
Labour less popular now than under Corbyn?
at 12:53 19 Jun 2024

Indeed they are handing it on a plate to the opposition! Another record broken for small boat arrivals broken again I see.

882 arrived yesterday!
[Post edited 19 Jun 12:54]
Labour less popular now than under Corbyn?
at 10:23 19 Jun 2024

I reckon its going to be the most surreal election victory for any political party ever. The total opposite of Blairs and Thatchers victories.

No outpouring of emotions, optimism, and joy. But more a case of apathy and nothing much besides! A case of "oh another lot are now in charge" and thats about it.
Nigel Farage
at 10:07 19 Jun 2024

Here is another myth i.e. all those job vacancies in the U.K that we keep on being told about? Well there is not as many as what people are falsley led to believe!

Employment agencies on many occasions advertise via Jobcentre Plus for clients to go onto their waiting list database and NOT for a ready and available job vacancy that is required to be filled a.s.a.p.

So the gist is? Often on many occasions there isn’t even a job vacancy in the first place anyhow! There are now so many employment agencies that it’s absolutely surreal, and because of the competition they have to sign up as many people as possible even when there are no available jobs to be filled.

No indivduals to contact means nobody to send to work on a construction site etc and thus signing up onto an employment agency client list should not be considered as a vacancy.

And onto Wales outside of public sector? Where are the secure and well paid jobs? Where are the major private sector employers that once employed hundreds, or thousands of people?

Where have the factories all gone? Where has secure full time permanent 40 hour employment gone when major employers like ASDA etc have the majority of its workforce on part time contracts without paid teabreaks?
🔴🔵🟡🟢⚫️ Who are you voting for ?
at 23:46 18 Jun 2024

ALSO! There is a genuine fear amongst the streetwise blessed with common sense that Labour will sign up to a ‘EU Asylum and Migration Pact’ quota system, whereupon the U.K gets flooded by additional tens of thousands of unknowns, whom have thrown away their I.D and documentation.

The abandonment of border control is a national emergency and national security concern, bearing in mind the way Wales and the rest of the U.K has fallen victim to mass-infiltration by foreign organised crime gangs.

And of course Labour M.P's have advocated "safe and legal routes" which is basically opening the floodgates by allowing even greater numbers to enter, whilst laying on free (military collaboration?) transport to flood U.K streets with even more criminality.

Some deterrent hey? Aye, the small boats may lessen drastically, because people will then be arriving out of sight and late at night at remote military locations!
🔴🔵🟡🟢⚫️ Who are you voting for ?
at 18:50 18 Jun 2024

Opinion poll of 20,000 people just in, the Conservative Party heading for its worst ever electorial defeat in its entire history! A Labour landslide victory and Nigel Farage to become an M.P.
at 15:22 18 Jun 2024

"HUGE SURGE" of illegal entrants expected If what's being reported becomes true.

The U.K faces a dire situation over the summer with huge numbers of migrants entering the U.K via small boat!

🔴🔵🟡🟢⚫️ Who are you voting for ?
at 12:19 18 Jun 2024

It'll be interesting what percentage of the national U.K vote Labour will get for what is obviously expected to be a landslide victory?

And what will the national turnout percentage be? Will the fact that so many people are expecting a guarenteed Labour victory influence the turnout numbers also?

Could that cause mass apathy i.e. a case of "Labour have already won so why bother". I suggest there is a totally different atmosphere and vibe with this election?

Will many in rock solid Labour constituencies vote for Reform in significant numbers enough to worry a Labour government and party machine? Questions? Questions? Questions?

Nigel Farage
at 09:40 18 Jun 2024

The reason Tony Blair's New Labour and The Conservatives have an obvious love and desperation for mass immigration is indeed because it drives wages and employment conditions down and puts a gun to indigenous workers heads "If you don't do that 12 - 18 hour shift, a foreigner will".

In fact over 30 years back even in days way before insane mass immigration levels ITV done a 'special' about poverty wage exploitation and mentioned a catering company called ‘Ring And Brymer’.

This programme also enlightened that The Conservative Party was nowhere near as hostile to the black economy (I previously mentioned slave labour) as what many people thought.

In fact there is no better way of driving wages to rock bottom levels by using slave labour to lower wages and to impact legal employment wages and conditions also. It's is a racket!
Nigel Farage
at 21:58 17 Jun 2024

I was shocked when I asked a lady on the till in ASDA how many outside of management were working in there full time to then hear her say "NONE".

Private sector job employment outside of public sector in Wales is absolutely shocking both in jobs available, job security and job conditions.

In fact the vast majority of jobs advertised by Jobcentre Plus in Swansea are agency jobs. Just type in "labourer, factory worker, care worker, warehouse worker" along with Swansea into the search and the results are shocking.

So where are these thousands of jobs that Welsh people do not want? Is it any wonder why so many are finding greater security by being on the sick when there is zero to minimal job security out there?
Cow update
at 20:47 17 Jun 2024

This country has gone to the dogs in so many ways!
Cow update
at 20:32 17 Jun 2024

And who needs enemies when the police get fired upon by the home secretary who is meant to belong to the same side hey?

I can understand why morale is so low in the police force with so many unempathetic, unappreciative and unsupportive nut-jobs belonging to senior rank and goverment about the place.
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