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Ray Jones - Tributes from QPR fans
Ray Jones - Tributes from QPR fans
Saturday, 7th Jul 2007 19:41

Tributes to Ray Jones from supporters of QPR and our regular message board users.

Tributes from QPR Fans

Heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and team mates of Ray Jones. Thank you Ray for the wonderful times you gave us, you will always be remembered in our hearts as part of the QPR family. May you Rest In Peace.

- John Reid, LSA Secretary

QPR 1st would like to extend its condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Ray Jones. We mourn the loss of a bright talent at such a young age. We also send our condolences to the families of the other victims of this terrible tragedy.

- Supporters Trust

I had the honour of being the land lord of Ray Jones and Ricky Sappleton last season from August / January.

Apart for being strike partners at youth level they shared great friendship, my wife Tara and I found both to be very respectful and polite with great hearts at all times, we quickly grew very fond of both lads. I told Ray I'd get him an ipod when he scored his first league goal, 48 hours later, he scored against Hull. I saw 4 out of 6 goals live, I'm certain he would have reached massive heights.

We found out about the tragedy whilst at wedding yesterday in Finland and it has hit us both very hard, I know Joe Gallen said to me that these two were of the best prospect to come out of our youth set up along with Dean Parret in years, he felt that the sale of these youngsters could clear the clubs debts. Ray's mother is a lovely lady who has supported his career from the start, along with his sister I really feel for them today to lose someone as precious is so hard to come to terms with, unthinkable. Our Heart and thoughts are with you both today xxx

I have been in touch with Ricky he is absolutley gutted as you could imagine, I said to him, let this give you extra determination to succeed in your career and dedicate your first professional hatrick to your budy, but not on september the 15th please.

RIP dear Ray

Jamo, Tara

And Ricky

A poem dedicated to the legend himself

Words can not begin to explain the tragic loss of Ray

So much magic and potential to be our number 10 one day

He wore the hoops with so much pride

With maturity far beyond his years

But to never see him run into the loft again

Brings us all to many tears

Our thoughts are with those closest to him

family and friends

And two other tragic losses

Sad how life sometimes ends

Ray of Rangers rest In piece

A superhoop forevermore

Picturing all of your goals

sadly there won't be anymore

An international surely too

And a well mannered polite young man

Nothing but pure respect from every Rangers fan

Its a great loss to football everywhere

Too much for words to say

Thoughts once more to those close by

Rest in piece dear Ray

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,

Prevent Jude the cat from running around,

Silence the crowds and with muffled drum

Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead

Scribbling on the sky the message 'He is Dead'.

Put blue and white scarves round the posts of Loftus Road,

Let the coffin bear his Rangers shirt.

He was our striker, our player, our promise and hope,

Our hidden talent and our England boy,

Our Jonesey, our Ray, our Cardiff hero;

We thought that he'd see us to the Premisership, we were wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,

Pack up his kit and the 16 shirt,

Ignore the takeover talk and the Burnley game;

Because for now the Loft will not feel same.


Tributes from QPR Fans

A total shock to lose one so young and talented. My condolences too your family and friends.

I can't believe it. Life is sometime so painful that I try too only feel sorrow for those I know and love, but this has really chocked me up. Again my condolences to his family and friends, because I don't even want to imagine how they must be feeling.

A special mention to all fans from other clubs who have posted, thank you. -AlanK

I've had tears in my eyes all day. RIP Ray and peace to his friends and family.


In Memoriam: Ray and Kiyan

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace.



Another tragedy to hit our football club, another immensely talented young man with his life and career ahead of him to lose his life in such shocking circumstances. This really puts everything into perspective, the formation, the team line up, the takeover, the performance on a saturday. None of it really matters that much in the grand scheme of things when something like this happens to one so young.

My thoughts go out to Ray's family and friends and to all the people at QPR who knew him and loved him.

Lets make sure we all turn up next weekend and give his family and friends the respect and support that they deserve by giving Ray a rapturous send off, just like the one given to Kiyan a little over a year ago.

RIP Ray Jones


I'm not sure what I can add to the many tributes paid to Ray, I still can't quite believe that someone so young and with so much to look forward to has been taken away so cruelly. Looking at the videos of Ray scoring, it is evident from the sheer joy on is face how much the club and fans meant to him, we have lost someone very special, and his family and friends have lost someone of whom they would be very proud of.

God bless Ray, and rest in peace, you will never be forgotten by us, once a Ranger always a Ranger.


Words do not come easily, my heart goes out to his parents who will have lived his hopes and dreams and would have been so proud of what he achieved in such a short life. As a father I can only imagine their pain and numbness. As a QPR fan I am gutted not just at the loss of life but at the loss of our greatest prospect for some time. Ray Jay IMHO would have made it to the top, he had the lot pace, power, a deft touch, with guidance and luck I think we would have seen him at the world cup one day. Luck however dealt a deadly blow.

RIP Ray Jay, you will not be forgotton, you made your mark on history, you made your mark on me.


It's impossible to comprehend. Words are just not enough.

What a sad and sorry waste of life, my heart goes out to his family.

I have young sons, two slightly older than Ray and one younger. You cannot help but worry sometimes and this brings it home. Number two son has not long passed his test and my word, I fear for him.

One leaves the world, another enters, this is almost a reflection of our enlarged family as a whole.

Sad day, thoughts with the Jones family right now. Words are never enough but those words from a friend are good ones.


RIP Ray.

I feel devestated, Ray was one one of my favorates, I thought he was destined for the top.

The Jones family and QPR have lost someone special.

-Belgium Kenny

Tragic loss for family and club


I have been meaning to post on here since early Saturday. I literally could not begin a sentence without crying. The tributes to his goals are still very raw and emotional.

I struggle to comprehend what his family are going through. I am, like the rest of us, humbled by the fantastic nature of our footballing friends around the country. Football Unites.

Next week at Loftus Road will be emotionally charged, a time to say goodbye. Lets raise the fuckingg roof for Ray. Rest In Peace Ray, you went too soon for our liking.




Just Back from Peru - WHAT a tragedy

Expected to come on here and find out about yesterday's match. I'm completely stunned.

RIP Ray, your skill and impact at such a young age will never be forgotten. We'll mourn you as a person and a player.

Such a tragedy.



Thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends


Ray was a young man with massive potential. Today is a multiple tragedy for Ray's family and the other lads who lost their lives in the accident. Our prayers are with all the families of people involved and we all wish a quick and full recovery to the other lads involved in the accident. Ray would have gone on to massive things in the game. He had a gift and it seems unbelievable that he'll never get the chance to show it again. The goal he scored against Southampton was as good as any you'll see. It showed what he could do and the talent he possessed. No doubt he would have come back into the fold in the next week or so and showed us what an awesome talent he was. I was speechless and overwhelmed with shock this morning when I got the news, as I'm sure all Rangers fans, the team and staff were. It's been a dreadful day but I have also been impressed by the level of support and condolences pouring in from fans all over the country. Burnley and their fans have also been magnificent in their support and compassion today. It's been a fitting tribute to a young lad who put on the hoops with pride and was about to become a big part of the club's future. We are left to mourn another Rangers talent lost. RIP Ray


Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dlis.

RIP Ray, and condolonces to all who knew him.

-Brian McCarthy

RIP Ray, news is still sinking in. I was listening to this when the news came in yesterday. Completely unrelated and don't know his music well but this one is strangely poigniant for me right now.


I cannot believe it. RIP Ray Jones


Have only just heard this awful tragic news. My sincere condolences to Ray's family and friends and the management, team, staff and supporters of Queens Park Rangers. RIP Ray Jones

-Cambs Hoops

What about the goal against southampton last season, class. Miss you Ray. RIP

-Cambs Ranger

Bolder has put into words what many of us cannot.

R.I.P. Ray.

Many a tear has been shed for you and your family by QPR fans everywhere today.

-Canada Ranger

such a waste of a young life and such potential. Never met the guy, but as a parent I really feel for Ray's family. My thoughts and prayers will be with them and the families of the other young people who passed away last night.

Must say am massively humbled by the messages from fans of other clubs as well.

-Captain Bukkake

Lets make it a full house next week vs Southampton to pay a worthy tribute to a great young player who sadly joins Kiyan in not being with us no longer.

RIP Ray Jones


God Bless Ray. Totally shocked. Can't believe this. Twice in two years.


Thoughts with your family

Ray and Dex seemed to just 'gel'. I know it was only against a Southend side just promoted and eventually relegated but Ray played so well. He linked up with the midfield, controlled the ball well and just gelled with Dex. You could see the complemented each other really well.

I went home after the game, with Dad and my mates all buzzing about our front two. Young and inexperience, but with time, training, coaching etc it boded well. We spoke highly of Dex and excited about Ray and his future. For someone so tall, he had power, strength and a superb touch. He looked, dare I say it, but I remember thinking at the time, better at this stage than Crouch.

And now he's dead. Can't get my head around that.

I'm totally stunned.



In my official capacity, I'm sure I speak for all of my colleagues and supporters of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club in passing on my sincere condolences on the sad, sad loss of Ray Jones.

Personally, as a lifelong R of 35 years standing, I'm still f***ing numb and really can't comprehend the sad waste of a highly talented lad, and more importantly, a loving son.


-Chelmsford R


Terrible news, R.I.P. Ray


RIP Ray Jones

"Forever now a Ranger"



-Colchester Hoop

What a loss at such a young age, RIP Ray.


Will never forget that goal at Southampton. It was my first visit to Southampton since they left The Dell and we didn't really have much hope of winning. When Ray did that (cheeky git!) me, Stonehoop, Sidcup, Marky67 and Harrowhoop went a little bit silly. Fuelled by alcohol of course, but what a goal.

-Dagenham Steve

I have been in garden most of the day, trying to take my mind off football by destroying foliage.

Trouble is Cardiff are at home and all I can think about while I hear the crowd is that goal he scored back in November only 400 yards from where I am now.

-Dai Hoop

I can't believe it, only 18 years old and a career in football ahead of him.

RIP Ray, and condolences to his friends and family.

-Darren 72

Devastating news. Ray you've left us with some wonderful memories but I just wish we had one more chance for us to sit down again and laugh about them.


With deepest sympathy to Ray's family, he will be sadly missed by people who loved and knew him, and by us, who only had the pleasure to watch him.

Sympathy to the families of the others that also passed away, their loss is as deep and no less important. All our thoughts are with you.

May they all rest in peace, from myself and from everyone in the extended family that is...QPR

-Dave Thomas is God

A tragic loss. Football has been robbed of a great prospect.

My thoughts go out to his family at this sad time.


Words cant do justice to this.

I am so sorry, what a terrible waste. I send my heartfelt condoloncies to his family and friends.

RIP Ray Jones. A true Super Hoop.



I have only just heard about this awful news. I can not believe it. I feel like crying.

We need to turn out in force next week at home to Saints make it a sell out in respect to Jones and let all the money from the game go to his family.

-Derby R

Truly sad and I hope that a fitting tribute can be organised for the Southampton game.

Brings it home that we discuss the players on the sites and sometimes you forget that they are individuals doing a job that they love but they too have families and people that love them.

Am sure all R's fans thoughts are with Ray's family and friends - a truly sad loss for another so young.

-Devon Ranger

RIP Ray - you will always be remembered

-Devon White shoots

RIP Ray. I have felt absolutly numb since I found out this morning. Such a huge amount of potential and such a tragic loss.

I can't go next week because of a work football trip to Amsterdam. But I really hope that 2 minutes of applause are given by a sell out crowd and that 'Ray Jones, theres only one Ray Jones' is sung for the first ten and the last ten minutes of the match.

Condolences to the family and friends of the 3 victims of this tragic accident!


Tragic news. My thoughts are with the families and friends of these poor youngsters.

Ray, Idris and Jess - rest in peace.

-Don Samioni

RIP Ray Jones, my thoughts are with his family


RIP Ray.

Just heard the terrible news. What a tragedy, on so many levels.

It reminds you that life is full of unexpected events that knock you off kilter for a while.

It would be awful news, whoever it was, but his age and great talent makes it somehow harder to bear.

Just at the moment, nothing else matters.


Tragic. RIP Ray


Heard the news this morning. Absolutely shocked.

Condolances to the family and friends.


It's all been said

RIP Ray.

-Duke of Hoops

Rest in peace, giant


Only heard the news an hour ago, condolences goes out to Ray's family. Sometimes things are more important then football.


All of a sudden, the takeover etc just isn't that important.



I am devastated. A disaster for everyone.

RIP Ray Jones.

Condolonces to his family and friends

-Edgware Hoops

Ray Jones from all the FAT_R family. GOD BLESS.

-Fat R


You were and always will be part of the greatest footballing family on the planet.



R.I.P Ray we will miss you. Be thinking of you and your family


A very sad day for all concerned with Ray's family and friends, as well as those who also lost their lives in the accident, and for all associated with Queens Park Rangers Football Club. Rest In Peace.

-Fred Hoops

RIP Young Ray Jones!

I just cannot believe this has happened again.

So very sad!

Deepest sympathy to his family and friends.


Talented player and a total waste of a young life.

My heart is with his family and friends.



So so sad. Farewell Ray and thanks for the occasions when you sent so many of us mad with joy. RIP pal.


My condolences to all the families involved.

RIP Ray and friends.


I was sitting in a bar with two mates having a laugh, joking about, ready to have a great Saturday night when Gerry aka URSSSSSSSS called me.

Being on the other side of the world i asked him to kindly keep me updated if anything happens with regards to the take over or score updates at QPR and i thought he was calling me with good news but i was totally gobsmacked when he told me of young Ray being tragically killed.

Such a young man with all the world at his feet, he could of achieved absolutely anything he wanted in the game we loved and im devasted to see he wont be able to one day grace the biggest football stadiums in the world to strut his stuff knowing he came from humble QPR or even better, with QPR.

And to put football to the side, im sure he was a great mate to everyone he knew, and a great son/brother to his loving family.

Ray, you are now gracing the biggest football stadium in heaven mate so score a goal, smile and be happy.

RIP Ray Jones.


When the flood lights fade

and the Loft empties

we will take one last look at the pitch

and see the boy giant

in blue and white hoops

wave goodbye to us all

RIP Ray Jones, your memory will live on.

-Gloucs R

It was only a year ago at Burnley that I looked at the teamsheet and said "who's Ray Jones?" One year on, same fixture, what a choker.


I just cant explain how i feel right now! Only once or twice in my life has news of the death of a superstar or superstar in the making ever made me feel so distraught. I remember seeing him the last game of the season (05-06) Thinking that players gonna be good. Then last season he proved me right. I wish i could have seen him at his peak, i genuinly believe he could have one day worn the NUMBER 10 shirt. I truely believe this is one of the biggest losses to football, and his family. My deepest sympathy to all.

R.I.P Ray

-Greg and Peter

Awful news. Condolences to his loved ones


Tragic news. Infinite sadness. RIP


RIP Ray and your friends.

A terrible waste

-Hampton Hill Hoop

Ray. Can't believe it.

All my thoughts are for his Family and friends.

And us as supporters, this is the most upsetting thing I've ever experienced as a Rangers fan, are we destined just for upset and heartbreak all the way?

Can't believe it, I am actually in tears here.

-Harkouks Newspaper

Im in shock and tears, this young man had so much to look forward to. He had a great football career in front of him and a life ahead of him yet to fulfill. RIP and thinking of his family and friends at this time.


Only just in from work and found out the news. I can't quite believe it.

Only yesterday i was discussing Ray Jones with a mate and talking about how good the boy could be if he nuckled down.

Now we will never know, what a waste

Sleep well kid


Still in our hearts


Shocking news. He was such a talented young footballer. RIP Ray Jones.

He was a terrific young player who had the potential to play in the Premiership. He also scored some vital goals for us last season. It is such tragic and dreadful news. My condolences go out to his friends and family.

RIP Ray Jones 1988-2007

-Holloways Taxi

Huge loss for Rays family and friends and for QPR. RIP our thoughts are with you and your family


Will always remember him mugging the Southampton goalkeeper and scoring from the by-line. And the wonderful headed winner against Colchester at Loftus Road last season.

Devastating news to wake up to this morning, can only send his family condolences and hope the club do something to commemorate his short, talented life.



God love ya Ray you were gonna be a big star.

Condolances to all your family and friends. R.I.P Ray J


Shocked, saddened and numbed by this dreadful news.

RIP RayJay

-Jase QPR

That goal against Cardiff, last minute winner against one of our biggest rivals. RIP Ray.


R.I.P Ray J

A tragic loss of life for someone so so young

We will miss you hugely and thank you for the memories

You will never be forgotten

-JC the Hoop

Awful news. Condolences to the family and friends of Ray Jones


Absolutely knocked for six over this awful news. I'm numb.

RIP Ray. I had the pleasure to see you play in a blue and white hooped shirt.

Condolences to all his friends and family


I heard the news this morning, but didn't really take it in.

Couple of hours later I can't really believe it. Its so sad, tragic that we only got a glimpse into what looked to be a promising career.

Gutted for the club, the fans, and most importantly, his family and friends.

-Jon Hoops 1982

RIP Ray. We wont forget you.


I would just like to say my deepest condolences to the family and friends of Ray Jones. He was such a good prospect for the future and we had already seen glimpses of that.

Also, thank to to the other fans posting on here and i hope we can dedicate something to him and remember him by.

What a waste and at such a young age. Rest In Peace Ray, we will miss you.

-Judo Ranger



Just want to say how gutted I am about this. Still quite speechless. We have lost one of our own, such a waste of life and talent.

RIP Ray.


Terrible news about the death of Ray and two others - my heartfelt condolences to the family's of all those involved. Puts other ongoing matters into perspective.


Tragic news. Condolences to his family.

RIP Ray. You'll never be forgotten.

-Le Beau

RIP. I have a picture of Ray on my phone with his arms around two of my kids, it is a devastating loss at such a young age.


I'm totally shocked, heard the news on the radio about 2 killed in a car crash, logged on to find out one of the fatalities was Ray Jones (R.I.P.) my condolences go out to all his family and friends

RIP Ray Jones.


Ray you were a beacon of light last season. We all had high hopes, and were thrilled you stayed. Today the club is mourning, REST IN PEACE. You will forever be remembered, by all QPR supporters.

-Loftus Upper

Ray and friends RIP


I am in shock! Received a text from a mate from England telling me that Jones had died, and to be honest thought it was a sick joke, but now I have got home, I am in real shock.

Words can't really do how I am feeling justice, so I am not gonna type much, but would like to thank all the fans who have come on the board offering kind words of sympathy, it means a lot.

RIP Big Ray Jones.

We will all miss you.

-Lord of the Rangers


All my thoughts go out to all of Ray's family and friends at this very sad time.

R.I.P Ray Jones you will be greatly missed.


I am on holiday with my family in Crete,m but will be back in time for the Saints game. I found out about Ray's untimely death from lots of text messages from R's supporting friends and family. I went to a church in our resort last night and lit a candle in Ray's memory.

Have made lots of friends here at our complex, supporters of all teams. All of them were gutted when they heard the news. Maybe football is not more important than life and death after all. Shankly got it wrong.

My 7-year old son is gutted because we only saw him 2 weeks ago at ther training ground. How do you explain something like this??

RIP Ray Jones - our thoughts are with your family and friends

-Mad R's Fan

It`s ironic that Southampton is the next game after this tragic accident, I remember that goal at St Marys last season and jumping around like a loon as well.

Let's not also forget that two other passengers also lost their lives and my thoughts and prayers go out to their families as well as Ray's

RIP RAY from your QPR family


So young, so talented. Such a waste. RIP Ray.



R.I.P. Ray Jones.

-Max Reubens



Same age as my son and like him so much to look forward to. We were proud to see you wear the hoops and could see what you would offer to our club and the supporters. Now - no more. A tragic loss to football but, more importantly, a tragic loss to your family and friends.


-M Henry, S Oborne and Families

This is awful news

My thoughts are with the family

Ray Jones



RIP Ray, such a tragic loss to everyone. You will be sadly missed

-Middlesex Hoop

Such a tragic loss, had the world at your feet. I will always remember you for that goal away against Cardiff and a beautifully taken goal against Sunderland at home. As had alrady been said you had the world at your feet.

Condolences go to all family and friends.

R.I.P Ray Jones

-Mike 2006

No words are adequate. RIP Ray



As you can see Ray, football supporters everywhere are united in sadness


Just arrived into work now and saw what happened, I'm shocked, saddened and close to tears. Such a waste of young life. I dont even know Ray yet i feel like I've lost someone very close. Words cannot express the way everyone feels. My thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.

It's a sad and frustrating day as yet again we will never know how good both of them actually would have been. potential and raw ability were immense. Football doesnt even come into it tho as there family and friends will know there lives were far more important than there football.

RIP Ray and Kiyan, and many many condolences to your families.


My deepest sympathies to his family, for what it is worth. Nothing can replace Ray, his skill or his promise.

-Nurse Kate

You will be missed. Im deeply shocked. Such a talented young player. Only a few days from turning 19. Only a month older than me.

My thoughts are with his family and friends.


My deepest condolences to all of Ray's family. This is such a tragedy.

RIP Ray Jones

-NY Stan

RIP Ray you had so much promise. I don't think we could have kept you at the Bush for long.


Sincere condolences to all family and friends, my thoughts are with you.

Too easy to say that the good die young, a tragic loss.

R.I.P. Ray


Can't imagine how his family and friends must feel and our hearts surely go out to them. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I despair for a young life tragically lost and the loss to the club we love and the football community as a whole. Let's remember the great and vital goals he scored against Southampton and Cardiff and treasure those all too short memories.

-Old Nick

RIP Ray.

Goodnight and God bless.

-Ollie this way

The man looked to be making his way back into things again, the foot injury kept him out and now this.


Rest in Peace Ray, my sympathies to your family and friends.

-Pablo Hoopster


-Park Ranger

Very sad news. RIP Ray Jones



-Paul and Alisha

A young man with a big future. We all saw glimpses of what a fantastic player Ray had the potential to be. A tragic loss.






Let's pack out Loftus Road for Ray, sing his name through out the whole game. I'm sure Saints fans will sell out there allocation, and a nice win for Ray will be the perfect tribute to such a telented young player,taken from this world far far too soon, R.I.P. RAY JONES







Shocking sad news. Heartfelt thoughts to his family.

Just Back from my regular weekend visit to the pub with my bunch of mates. One a Wolves, one a bluenose Birmingham and two with no particular interest in football.

I started the conversation by asking if they knew why our game had been postponed; none of them did.

I explained, and my explanation was met by shocked silence, followed by requests for a repeat of the explaination, followed by one of them (a non football person)leaving the table and going outside. When he came back he explained that he had to go out to burst into tears.

All of those people, none of whom had any connection with Ray, were devasted.

Such a tragic waste of a young life.

Ray, you'll always be in our thoughts down at the R's.

I just had to write this, I'm in tears at the moment.

I don't believe in Heaven, but if I'm wrong I hope you are at peace there Ray.



Well and truly choked up.

So Sorry for your family.

R.I.P Superhoop RAY!


My thoughts are with all concerned especially Family and Friends.

The lad was a top player.

I'm speechless, totally speechless.



Devastating news. RIP.

Condolences to his friends and family.

-Pots QPR



Raymond Barry "Ray" Jones was Born 28 August 1988 in Newham.

He was rejected as a youth team player at Colchester United before impressing the managers at QPR. He made his debut for QPR in the closing stages of the 2005-06 season and scored his first league goal at Loftus Road against Hull City on 23 September 2006. On 17 November 2006, Jones scored the only goal in a 1-0 win over high flying Cardiff City. A great memory for all fans who were watching on Sky or that were fortunate to be at the game. Against, the league leaders at the time, with the score 0-0 Nick ward slid a ball across from the right, for the the big man to slot home after 89 minutes to give us delighted fans a great evening to remember.

Who can ever forget his acute goal at Southampton? The Keeper was about to let the ball run-out, never giving up, Ray tackled the keeper from almost the corner flag, and somehow from such an acute angle found the back of the net. I also, remember the big man heading some crackers, even an unimportant Coca-Cola Cup against Northampton, where he rose above everyone else to secure victory.

On 5 September 2006, Jones came on as a substitute for England U-19 against the Netherlands. Where he played with current loanee Michael Mancienne.

After scoring in a 1-0 victory over Colchester United on 1 January 2007 he pledged his future to the club, he signed a new three and a half year deal, which would have kept him at the club until 2010. In total, Jones played 37 games (19 as sub) for QPR in all competitions, scoring 6 goals..

I met Ray Jones for the first time at the dinner and dance earlier this year.The younger members of the squad seemed especially to have a great rapport with the big man. The likes of Shabazz Baidoo, Pat Kanuyka and Michael Mancienne were all joking and laughing with each other. Ray Jones that night came across as not only big in statue, but big in personality.

For me as a QPR supporter that is the one I will always remember.

Our Condolences go out to his family. He will be sorely missed by everyone at the club.


My first post ,on such a sad day

My deepest sympathy's to Ray's family and all his friends

All our thought's are with you

You will never be forgotten


Heartbreaking, so sad.

RIP and thanks Ray


Totally unbelievabe. GOODNIGHT SON, from Ian and family (P Block)



You will be sorely missed and despite all the sadness i can't help but laugh every time i see you score that goal against southampton, it really is a great shame that we won't get to see more moments like that from you.

RIP Ray Jones


The beautiful game has lost such a bright star, I think he had the attributes to go all the way. Rest in peace Ray.

Let's come together next weekend, make loads of noise for him.



My god why? This is without doubt the lowest i have felt about anything Q.P.R. What an utterly tragic waste of this young mans life and what undoubtably was to have been a fantastic future.

RIP Ray and thanks for the short but beautiful memories.

Sleep well


Ray you were one of us. Gave your all every time. You didnt deserve to die RIP



I had reached Stoke today before i recieved a phone call informing me of the news, I obviously headed back south. I would do that journey a million times over to see Ray in the hoops once again! R.I.P RAY JONES



My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Ray Jones.


I'm totally shocked by the death of a great talented QPR striker. All the best to his family and the club from a Belgium QPR supporter




So sorry to hear the sad news.

Our thoughts go out to Rays family and friends.

R.I.P. Ray Jones QPR


So sad. RIP


Just heard the shocking news. My thoughts are with the friends and family of everyone involved.


R.I.P Ray

My wishes go out to hs famliy he had a bright future ahead of him

-Ranger Holg8

Only just got back home from my journey to Burnley, as I heard the news at about 11:00am when I got to the other side of Birmingham.

I'll not forget being at Cardiff last season when Ray bagged us the winner! He had the travelling support going mental and there were only a few us.

Thank you Ray

-R Block Ranger

Absolutely tragic, we will never know what Ray could have achieved.

RIP Ray.


As the sports director on The Sounds of Britain and Ireland, an hourly show heard each Sunday on WCPN, 90.3 FM in Cleveland, Ohio, I was able to get a brief tribute to Ray Jones on the air today. Sadly, I don't have the audio, but I've attached the text of what I wrote.

(For those of you who might not know, Cleveland is a city about the size of Liverpool or Leeds, and the station is heard throughout northeast Ohio and is carried on the web. We only have a minute or 2 for sports, and generally never mention Championship or lower clubs, since we try to appeal to as broad a segment of the English, Scottish, Welsh, Manx and Irish community as possible. There are a fair number of Achill Islanders in the Cleveland area, and Glasgow Rangers even has a supporters club there. The show is hosted by Joe Nicholls (from Birkenhead) and Kevin McGinty (from Castlebar in County Mayo). Kevin paraphrased most of what I wrote, and he did a nice job.)

It's a sad weekend for me as the football club I have followed for years and years, the west London side Queens Park Rangers, had one of its rising stars, 18-year-old striker Ray Jones, die in an auto accident with a double-decker bus in East Ham early on Saturday morning. The match at Burnley was postponed, because everyone is just in shock. This was a kid who had earned a call-up to the England Under-19 squad -- QPR rejected a £200,000 bid from Colchester for him at the end of last season -- and he had also attracted interest from a few Premier League clubs. He would have turned 19 on Tuesday, and had just signed a 3½ year deal with QPR in January. In 35 appearances for QPR he scored 6 goals, and people who knew him just felt he was a fantastic kid.


Heaven has gained two of our brightest stars in recent months and years. Hope they are together having a great old kick about in that football ground in the sky.

RIP Ray Jones. God Bless.


My condolences to Ray's family RIP Ray. It's good to know that fans from other clubs are sending messages of condolence, it is much appreciated by all QPR fans.


RIP - God bless you Ray


Dear god, this puts all takeover talk into perspective.

RIP Ray, all thoughts going out to his family.

-R Type

RIP Ray Jones.

Such a tragic loss of life.

Condolences to all of Ray's friends and family.


R.I.P. thoughts with his family. Such a waste. Just think about what his poor poor family are going through. Such a waste RIP

-Scott Jones


Ray Jones

You will be missed


God bless Ray



I remember watching Ray for the first time at the start of last season when he played up front alongside Blackstock and I was blown away with his potential. I know the rest of the season didn't quite pan out as well as it should but I always thought that if we stuck with him (and him with us) then we could be on to a winner.

How sad that this life has been cut short so tragically. RIP Ray. You will always be remebered by the faithfull in R block.

-Sheen Ranger


Can't believe we won't see you score in front of the Loft again.

Deepest sympathies to his family and friends.


RIP Ray Jones


R.I.P. Ray

Sincere condolences to his family and friends.


Never saw you play (only on the TV) but was hoping to in the future. You committed your future to the club when you signed that contract and we will never forget you for that. 18 is no age to die. I have two boys ten and seven that are both playing tommorrow here in Perth WA I will let them know about you I promise.



Tears in my eyes when I heard.

Our lost is insignificant compared to his family's but painful all the same.


RIP Ray. Thoughts to your family and friends.


R.I.P Ray Jones - never forget your winner at Cardiff.


This puts all our little worries into sharp perspective. Ray will be a sad loss to his close family and to the wider QPR family.

-Stan for England

Words cannot express how shocked and saddened I am by this. A star in the making now no longer able to shine.

My thoughts and prayers to his family and loved ones.

-Stan's Left Foot

Rest in Peace Ray.

You were cut short in your prime.


First time I saw Ray was Watford at home in April 06 (home debut?). Always rated him. A great prospect and a terrible loss for Queens Park Rangers and for English football.

I remember him signing my programme at Colchester last season. Was sat just behind the dugout. A tragedy for his friends and family. This is terrible, terrible news for our football club. Maybe lets see if we can do something special for the Southampton game.

Rest in Peace.


Shocked at this tragic news. Taken from us at such an early age. RIP Ray. Thoughts go to family and friends and those indeed at QPR


Terrible news.

RIP Ray.

-Surrey Ranger

Its ironic that its Southampton next week, when you consider that at St. Marys last season he sored such a great individual goal.

What a loss.

Next Saturdays home fixture against Southampton should be "RAYS MATCH" - we need to fill the stadium in his memory and sing his name from beggining to end.

At such times as this its heartening to see so many people from other clubs posting messages of condolences on here. Many thanks from all at QPR.


Don't have the words, just a tragic tragic loss. RIP.


A tragic loss for such a young talent.

Thoughts go out to all those family and friends.

RIP Ray Jones


Truly choked and distraught by the news - my deepest sympathies to his firends and family, and those of the other victims of this terrible tragedy. Also moved to tears by the messages of sympathy and support posted by fans of other clubs - I feel truly ashamed of my criticisms of this board. It's a truly wonderful thing that people are able to come together at such a time in such a place. RIP Ray


Devestated. I can still see him scoring that goal at St Mary's, making us all jump around like idiots

How can today turn out like this? the most beautiful day of the year yet the saddest, I have done nothing since I found out this morning.

Cant take it in, all three of them were so young, just kids, nothing more, what must their poor family's be going through?

Next Saturday 1st September we can all say goodbye to Ray, we need to come back strong from this, we are all on our knees at the moment, it's nearly 50 Years since my first game at the Rangers but this is the worst I have known.

We must come back strong.

We've been a club since 1882.

RIP Young Man

God Bless You

-Ted Hendrix

Having woken up late this morning and heard the terrible news about Ray Jones - it puts things in perspective with all the goings on..on this and many other mbs this week.

Also - despite the tragic loss for his family - very heart warming to see tributes and not abuse pouring in from other fans from other clubs.Also - very big respect for Burnly and the way its been handled up thier today.

A bad day for football and qpr and especially for his family.


It's dreadful news, words can hardly explain really.

I'll never forget the Southampton goal or that game, nobody thought we were gonna win that day, but what a game, and what a goal, proof that every now and then running a hopeless cause can happen.

Two games stand out for me, the first was Reading away in the last game of 2005-06 when Reading were promoted, we played really well, and it was the first time I noticed a bigger, stronger Ray, he played really well, as did the whole team, despite losing I had high hopes for next season.

The second was the Saints game away, where he chased a hopeless cause, and managed to score the kind of goal, that only ever happens AGAINST us!

Not that day it was sensational!

I can think of no better tribute than a win next weekend against that particular side.

For my money that's whats special anyway.

My condolences go out to everybody concerned, Ray and his friends, whom have died and their families.

RIP Ray and friends


Tragic loss - thoughts with Ray's family

-The Bob Hoop Classic

So sad



RIP Ray Jones. How I celebrated your winner v Cardiff last year. Very sad news, my thoughts to family and friends.

-The Modfather

Great young player. RIP Ray Jones


Saw him play for the youth team and progress to the first team, great boy, very humble and polite young man.

Such a tragic loss, much love and respect to the family and friends at such a sad time.

RIP Ray.


Ray Jones RIP

-Tim Charles

'Those who we have held close to our hearts, will be there forever!'

R.I.P. Ray Jones 1988-2007

-Tony Gibson

Very sad news indeed. RIP Ray


We're currently staying up in Blackpool for the weekend where we were going to take in the game at Burnley today. I received a call from Nico this morning saying that the game had been called off due to something terrible happening to one of our players. Said he would ring me when he could tell me more, and was going to ring as many other Rs fans he knew who would be travelling to let them know.

When he rang me back a short while later to say a car crash had happened and that one of our players' had been killed he really didn't want to say the name because he knew the terrible job I was going to have in breaking it to my younger daughter. Sarah loves Ray Jones and has his name and number on the back of her shirt (she had it done right at the start of last season). She is 13 years old and I had to break the news to her that her favourite player has passed away just hours before we were going to set off for the game. It's been one of the hardest things I have had to do as a parent so far and I just wanted to come on here and share this with Rs fans who will understand the pain today.

This however cannot possibly compare to the suffering of his nearest and dearest and it's hard to put into words how sorry we are for them. RIP Ray and may God give his family all the strength they are going to need in the coming days and weeks.

-Tracy Stent

RIP Ray Jones.

Will never forget your goal away to southampton last year and the celebrations that followed.

-TW20 Hoop

I am in total shock just heard on 12pm news, a player I loved to watch and so much talent. RIP mate when I met you, you're came over as a very nice guy.


Still finding it hard to take in born in 1988, too young

all thoughts go to his family


- ValenciR

Oh God. No, no, no. Oh this is shocking.

Condolences to Ray's family.

RIP Ray, you were a QPR Star


A death is always hard, but i think even more so when it is someone so young as our 'Ray Jay' and that he had a whole career ahead of him. During those minutes we watched him play and score for us we only saw the start of what could have been. Thoughts and prayers must go out to his family and close friends now, as they will be suffering much more than any of us.

Ray 'Jay' had a habit of scoring important goals for our side:

His first goal rescued a win for us against Northampton in the Carling Cup.

He gave Gregory a goal on his first game in charge against Hull.

He embaressed the Saints keeper with a cheeky goal at Saint Mary's.

Secured our side 3 points against a very strong Cardiff side.

A consulation goal in the loss against Sunderland.

And his final goal for the R's gave us a New Years Day win against Colchester.

Well done Ray you will not be forgotten


What can we say that hasn't already been said?

Great lad

Great potenial




-Warren, Lisa and Harry Fox

Jus back tonight from hols in Ireland. Heard this news on Five Live on the car radio driving through a fairly remote part of the Cooley mountains yesterday morning. I simply could not believe it, and have to admit I had to pull the car over to get out and catch my thoughts. I don't think I can put my feelings any more eloquently than many have already done on here, but I'm not sure where else I can really talk about them just now. I have often felt, as a reaction to stories of young kids having their lives cut short, that to lose either of my children would be more than I could take, and I thank God for my good fortune never to have had to face that devastation. I don't know Ray or his family. And I can't offer anything more than my prayers or my thoughts for them, or for the families of the other youngsters who died yesterday. It all seems just too trite though. This world is too harsh a place sometimes.

RIP Ray.


Just heard from a neighbour.

Hadn't had the tv on all day or the pc, I'm gutted, sitting here in tears.

Thoughts go out to his family and those of the other people killed in this accident.

Such a shame he had been out of the team, so few goals to remember such a real talent. I thought we had finally found a new Sir Les, but now we'll never know. Because of his size and composure you forget how young he was.

I remember doing the awaday review at Reading when he came on as sub and thought he looked like a replacement for Furs; within a few weeks of the following season we had all raised our expectations beyond that as we knew he really was a special talent.

RIP Ray Jones.


Can't quite believe it.

RIP Ray.


Terrible, terrible news losing Ray Jones like this.

To all QPR fans and everyone connected with Ray, I wish you all the very best in such tragic times.

Tributes from other clubs' fans continue on page three.

Photo: Action Images

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