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England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 v Iceland 🇮🇸 Match Thread
at 22:05 7 Jun 2024

That was England of old

Uninspiring is the kindest word

Ducking Shyte is the second and third kindest words !!

Utter dross. Our defence was very average but more worrying was some of our stars like Kane and Foden looking like they would fail to trouble a Gareth Ainsworth dysfunctional family team

I rather stupidly backed us for the Euros at 4 to 1.

250 to 1 more likely !!!

England never fail to disappoint!!
Eze for England!
at 20:13 6 Jun 2024

Quite bold decisions by Southgate and a lot of the reasons many have against him, they don't stand in relation to the squad he has picked.

Massive surprise to not see Grealish picked. I thought his cameo sub appearance gave him all the reasons why Grealish can be effective and almost, I felt, played himself into the managers mind as one of the first off the bench when you need a game changer

Although love Eze, he has not shown that as yet in his very limited international time so far.

I thought Gordon or perhaps Wharton might not make it but both have and Eze and Bowen and Palmer too, as well as Mainoo.

I hope Eze gets game time and would love it if he could be influential but for some reason, I doubt he will get on the pitch much and also for some weird reason, I am doubting he will change things. Not reasoned opinion just a daft instinct.

But yes obviously pleased he is in. Hope he gets a reasonable period of time and can show what he can do.
Transfer rumours 2024
at 17:28 5 Jun 2024

Not usually an outlet that does clickbait is WestLondonSport, so am less likely to doubt this.

If he is only intended as a back up goalkeeper here, then he could get back up keeper positions at a few premier league or high level clubs in other countries, where he would be paid a heck of a lot more than here.

The only reason he could sign here, would be as a number one, but also would be very surprised myself if that transpired and likewise disappointed.
Loft For Words Euro 2024 Predictor
at 17:21 5 Jun 2024

Great setting this one up Brian !

It will give us more indications, who knows nowt about football and who really is in the know !

Not expecting myself to be in the know !
What is your second sport.
at 19:59 4 Jun 2024

Cricket and Rugby Union joint

Watch both regularly on TV and at matches

Track and field.

Was a county runner when younger.
And did many 10k races, half marathons and one London Marathon

Used to play golf, five a side football, snooker and pool.

And cycled before bikes cost 30 grand !!

Today swimming and walking, occasional visits to the gym and yoga actually.
Yer favourite Mr Man
at 19:51 4 Jun 2024

Mr Benn !!!
Eze for England!
at 12:38 4 Jun 2024

Agree but Toney requires minutes too, to see he is ready and good enough.

He could have brought on Toney as well but he didn't.

Madness !!!
dominic free agent would you have him back (n/t)
at 08:54 4 Jun 2024


Good attitude but too limited.

However, could do a job at a league one outfit.
[Post edited 4 Jun 8:55]
Eze for England!
at 08:47 4 Jun 2024

Yes why was Toney not coming on for Watkins

Kane coming on in this warm up bit ridiculous. Appreciate he needs some minutes but Toney needs a run out otherwise why is there ?

Southgate needs a look at Toney. Is he injured ??
Eze for England!
at 23:11 3 Jun 2024

I think Eze could have done with longer on the pitch

He was reasonable but not done enough yet

Grealish proved what he can do coming on and perhaps his little cameo has pushed him ahead of Eze.

Palmer likewise wasn't amazing

Bowen and Gallagher improved towards the end. Gordon not in the frame.

Think Watkins did not promote his cause either. Likewise Maddison.

Only Trent I feel of the either ors has booked his seat.

Perhaps Ivan Toney has backed himself not to be in the final twenty six.
[Post edited 3 Jun 23:13]
Lost a close friend today and fellow R's fan.
at 13:14 3 Jun 2024

Sorry for your loss W13R

Hope your friend is at peace now
Rob Burrows.
at 13:12 3 Jun 2024

No worries Paddy

Posted a minute before yourself

Rob Burrow deserves multi threads tbf anyhow.
Rob Burrows Rugby League Hero
at 19:03 2 Jun 2024

Five foot five and a tiny frame and yet a star in Rugby League, struck down cruelly by the horrible disease that is Motor Neurone Disease.

Likewise with Doddie Weir who similarly sadly suffered, he was positive and a total inspiration even in ill health.

Again people will question the effects of a quite brutal combat sport in many respects but Rob has certainly had quite a life.

Tragic though to pass at only 41 leaving his wife and three young children.

Makes you realise even in small moments that life is precious and everything is definitely a matter of perspective

Rest in Peace little big man ...
Life changing moments
at 13:05 2 Jun 2024


There is no good without bad. You are absolutely correct.

To appreciate the good times, we do have to experience the bad sadly.

But otherwise everyday is groundhog day and that would be exceedingly dull !!

One disastrous relationship, but now luckily one which is just simple and without every day drama

A horrendous previous career stress wise and two managers in particular that made a workplace severely toxic, but now in a career that totally suits me with colleagues and managers that are all motivated for the good of our organisation/charity and not to climb the ladder and step on toes.

As said lost both my parents couple years ago which obviously is inevitable but still hard all the same and have had zero contact with siblings and their families for many years. Petty grudges that seem to have been built up massively into things that are way beyond what they ever needed to be.

But it made me seek out many friends and very blessed on that one.

Loss can be a catalyst to seek out a better existence absolutely. It can just be another thing for people to push them down but there can be many life changing moments.

The ones which can be acted on but weren't ie wondering if you had pursued that relationship, wondering if you had taken that job - we can all do that - but I guess is not dwelling on a decision you made at a particular point in time. Ie that is the decision we made and so be it.

Ie think the phrase is don't die wondering !!!

And again bringing things back to this forum, what would have my life been like if I hadn't seen the steel band attempting to entertain the fans in the corner of the loft end if memory serves me right in 1980 and wondering what would have happened if I had not come back the week after...........

Answers on a postcard apparently !
[Post edited 2 Jun 13:08]
General Election Thread
at 05:50 2 Jun 2024

The basic issue here us the UK is set up to be a shitshow nowadays and there is ZERO joined up thinking on all sides.

Have worked in the care sector for many years and a few myths on here that are coming from a place of ignorance and also anger and a belief that there is a massive amount of people on the take.

In recent years have worked in the mental health sector. Benefit fraud in this country us at 0.5 % of people, yet politicians voraciously attack this sector of society by constantly putting people who have clear physical and mental health problems through a constant system of re evaluation which creates constant and complete mental torment and does no one any favours at all.

From my experience there has been very very few people that are playing the system. People with schizophrenia, bipolar, personality disorders, panic disorders and also such as people with dementia also, I can assure sceptics none of them or the people around them are having their best lives at all. Most want to work, many can't but those that can, can work 15 hours minimum wage and slightly more hours under universal credit but there is a massive fear of becoming homeless so the system keeps people down. This system is completely broken.

In fact the benefits on offer there are billions that are unclaimed. It us not the other way around.

As some have said it is at the top end that the massive displacement of wealth is massively skewed and the hypocrisy and shysters in many corpirations that get to these levels this is where they major fraud is done but government after government spin the line of we are going after those at the very bottom end. This creates divisions within your everyday people.

Can understand those who work 60 or 70 hour weeks misunderstanding the struggles of a family blighted by dementia, suicide, drug abuse and the care elements this takes out of othercmembers of that family to provide the care that simply is not there.

Basic human dignity is the key. This industry is minimum wage and yet a decent life for all should be the key element

The fact that at the other end people work 60 to 70 hours a week. That again is a broken system.

Scandinavian countries these days are consistently said to have the best quality of life and are measured as the happiest of societies.

The working week is 30 hours and all the work that needs to get done is done and the rest of the time everyone can relax and enjoy their lives and the wage differentials per professions are much more narrow. In these countries also the prison system is not constantly punitive. Its very much based on reform so revolving door criminals do not clog up the courts as very often they do not come back into court, thus removing many societal issues.

Our systems around this are dreadful and very clever lawyers almost have abilities to get the very worst of society off if they are extremely wealthy and a system in this country that has been easily able to produce this post office debacle is broken in the extreme

But the main issues in this country are at the very top. The mega rich and the tax avoidance which is legal but it is this income that is not being reinvested in society that is the biggest crime. Its an absolute disgrace. Pure greed is an extremely unattractive trait but our system creates these massive inequalities and this is where the major issue in this country. If this was rreaddressed, the benefits system would allow people to move forwards and work again and get their damp infested housing association apartments treated etc.

The universal basic income system is being trialled at the moment. This gives everyone say the basic income to live in accommodation, free from chances of eviction, and able to feed and clothe themselves. There are no other benefits given to anyone and what people earn on top of this is their choice. This system works. The wage differences in professions and according to so called seniority in organisations are less and people do still work and its like in Denmark and the like everyone has the opportunity to relax.

Overworking is a fallacy too. Beyond 40 hour weeks, people lose their productiveness. Whenever four day weeks are trialled, people get more done in that time than they do with the extra hours on top.

What has got markedly worse in this country also is job security. Even at the top levels restructures within companies, many corporates, people are reapplying elsewhere every couple of years.

But one of the most messed up things in this country that I have never understood.

The house prices both to buy or rent

Why if you live in Macclesfield your two bed terrace is 10% of the price of it in Kensington.

It's the same shops, the same cafes, pubs, restaurants, theatres, and the internal soace you are living in is the same interior. It's mad and totally messed up.

I live in a two bed flat in Bracknell now worth around 250k but in Ascot three miles down the road it's £1 million for the same accommodation. It's not made of gold. All that us in Ascot is a racecourse. There are more places to shop, dine out etc in Bracknell its newly done up. I appreciate Lobdon prices are beyond mad,.

But again compare here to up north. A friend working a mininimum wage job in a bedsit £950 @ month. He has given up. Moved up north. For that up there he can get a three bed semi detached with front and back garden but minimum wage here is the same up there. He actually got a job as a 999 responder and really that's a job of massive responsibility but as withdrawn here the wages are pitiful compared to your Paula Vennels of this world who apparently has no real IT skills ... Really ?..

The election is so much about image.

I see Sunak attempting to be a man of the people sitting on a haystack pretending to relate to farmers. Starmer is wearing his hair less slicked back without his tie now and very often in parliament has four women either side of him on the front bench. Am not at all saying this is wrong and equal opportunities is massively important but he often in parliament is set up like this to try to somehow cheat the public into thinking he and his party are progressive.

I cannot believe there are many that fall for these ridiculous shows and are impressed. Its all complete BS.

Social media has been mentioned again. Sublimal Planting of seeds in peoples minds is both extremely effective and incredibly dangerous too. I have a friend, a retired English teacher, he goes on about the world elite behind the trumps and the putins in real control of the world, Even a so called intelligent man can be hoodwinked, my view not his, and some people have no brains at all.

More money is made by being a contestant on love Island who thinks Essex is a country and saw Mark Goldbridge , youtuber who has meltdowns commenting on watchalongs on Man Utds latest tragic performance. I saw somewhere recently he is worth £3 million now. World's gone mad. How is that possible !!

The brexit debate aside, the immigration issues, which others have stated, its not the poor sods risking their lives on the boats and then now to be shipped of to Rwanda.

The real issue is the millions that have been legally allowed to enter our countries, many on student visas and then disappear into the population. That's where the massive issues are and yes large families that then multiply.

All around flats, flats and flats. Accommodation is going up into the sky. Affordable housing to who exactly.

I am always amazed when I watch these programmes about such things as hoarding or the like in America and they all live in big detached homes with large gardens and they are supposedly the poor people but it's a wide expanse of lane.

Australia is massive land mass yet look at their population and immigration policies over many years.

The country is a mess from top to bottom but what we still have is QPR to cheer us all up !!!!!! Oh christ, wait a minute !!!!

There is no real choice in this election but the work needed to solve many inequalities and crises in society is massive.

Yet I have to say the one massive blessing living in the UK, we have never truly experienced warfare within our shores like the people of Ukraine, Palestine, Iraq and many many other countries face, we do not despite what we meant to believe gang warfare is not like the slums of Colombia and the like, where people just constantly disappear.Also fortunately also natural disasters, such as tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, bush fires etc,we are fortunate that these threats simply are not in existence here as yet, although whatever global warming is doing, whether that's a fallacy or not, it is changing.

Whatever we think, most of us are on the same treadmill and feel for others around us and there is still community more so than disunity I would say.

The fact being that those in power are so without joined up thinking in how we resolve issues - its all about how the politicians look, what they very often believe will be popular but the problem has got massively worse than years ago.

Politics used to be about ideology and conviction.

You knew you voted one way, you are voting fir this strategy and vice versa.

Now policies change with what's in the news at that particular time. These kind of strategies are NEVER going to solve problems LONG TERM.

All politics now is based on the issue of the moment. LONG TERM that simply won't work at all.

I seriously have no idea what or who to vote for because no one knows what they stand for and no one has any long term plan.

I say Marti for PM but that would mean him leaving ourselves and I don't care about the long term state of the country as its f@#jed anyway.

Can we have the vote tomorrow and then get on with whichever sh"tshow we get representing us and get back to the main business which is Rangers competing in the play offs next season !!!

The country needs a four year plan. It won't get one but please Marti start your own four year plan in Shepherds Bush. Clearly the most important issue of the day !!!

I think the older you get, the less you worry, as we are all effectively powerless, apart from Senor Cifuentes. That man has the power to create joy.

Let's all hope for better days and get what we can from our own Individual lives.

Vote Marti. Its the only way !!!
[Post edited 2 Jun 6:26]
Life changing moments
at 14:06 1 Jun 2024

1)Realising my job is not my life and how far up the food chain determines whether I am a decent person or not. Moved from the corporate world of BS to working for support charities where being paid in monetary terms is less but being paid in ability to help others means life is a lot more enjoyable.

2]Parents passing during the first year of Covid restrictions - a mad time where life stood still for everyone - losing parents who was very close to both - whats the point of worrying about anything really. Life seems more simple despite the loss

Basically you re evaluate whats important !!!!
[Post edited 1 Jun 14:07]
Begovic - Best QPR Goalie in Years
at 13:53 1 Jun 2024

Yes well done DylanP

Think you may be a tad bored during the close season !!

But absolutely agree with you Begovic is possibly up there almost Schemichel - esque with his qualities

Phil Parkes and Jan Stejskal amongst others have been massively impressed !!!!
[Post edited 1 Jun 13:54]
Eze for England!
at 23:37 30 May 2024

No probs

Eze for England!
at 14:12 30 May 2024

If you had lost someone very close to suicide, you would not joke about it.

You are comparing old school racist, feminist , Irish jokes ot r about people's weight. Some were funny at the time but suicide was never joked about. Your justifications don't sit well

I think I will take a break from here
[Post edited 30 May 14:13]
Eze for England!
at 13:59 30 May 2024

It was a joke about suicide I objected to. Not fun in general which I no issues with.

Lost a close relative to this, so hence why I can't deal with humour around suicide and just stated jokes around this subject not great and being laughed at for this is not kind

I not got any issues joking about everyday clearly
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