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General Election Thread
at 17:37 12 Jun 2024

Well yeah that's because wages are so lousy in the UK.

£50k now is worth what £27k was worth in 2000 with official inflation figures and probably much less in reality. You'd struggle to buy a studio apartment in London for that, I don't think it's a massive salary ready to be taxed to death.
General Election Thread
at 13:33 12 Jun 2024

Sunak with his finger on the pulse as usual with his new tax breaks for landlords idea.

The Greens close behind with the idea of upping taxes even more on the ludicrously ultra wealthy on £50k and above.
General Election Thread
at 07:39 11 Jun 2024

I don't get what is wrong with going on TV or doing talks for money, it's basically working isn't it? Pretty much every major politician does that stuff, even Theresa May has managed to make millions giving talks and they must be incredibly dull. Or if they're not doing that they get parachuted into a major corporation after office like Nick Clegg as head of global affairs at facebook.

"There is also a reason he cosies up to the very wealthy big donors. They help him get his (their!) message out, yes, but they also prop him up financially."

Yeah that's pretty much how politics works, every party does this I thought this was common knowledge.
General Election Thread
at 17:32 10 Jun 2024

Fair enough, just I noticed the same things repeated almost word for word about Boris when he was the current pantomime villain.

Not sure you can throw greed at him though, the best way of getting money and power is to go into an established party that gets into government and then make out like bandits. Not only is Tony Blair a multi-millionaire, but his son is as well now. There's plenty of Tories who did very well out of the covid hysteria too. Despite this it's only non-establishment politicians that get the grifter tag for some reason.
General Election Thread
at 15:56 10 Jun 2024

Isn't this the same old stuff that is thrown at anyone genuinely right wing?
"Yes he might have a point sometimes, but BOO he's a bad person don't listen to him!".

There's got to be a better argument in politics than that surely? After Farage has gone it will be the exact same hysteria about the next right wing political figure.

I suppose when I asked whether people still fall for those ludicrous hit pieces like the one Bazza linked earlier and the answer sadly appears to be yes.
Alan Hansen seriously ill
at 12:12 10 Jun 2024

Enjoyed him as a pundit as well. I read he gave up in the end as he got too nervous, I always thought he was the calmest one on there.
General Election Thread
at 11:28 10 Jun 2024

So a tiny media outlet with little to no assets that if you successfully sued for £300k would just go bankrupt and appear the next day with a different name repeating similar stuff on twitter. There's not really any point.

I think these mock outrage hit pieces are losing their effectiveness after the 1000th time they've been used on someone. Do people still fall for this stuff?

To be honest I never quite grasped what was so bad about that "infamous poster" from the EU campaign. I suppose as it was pointing out what was happening therefore it was racist.
General Election Thread
at 10:38 10 Jun 2024

Sue who though? If you sued everyone who talks crap on twitter you'd probably have about 1000 court cases a week.

Notice that on the same twitter thread are claims it is a photo of him in the NF with Nick Griffin when it wasn't. Even if you were to win all these court cases they are very expensive and time consuming and you'd have to prove material damages to get costs awarded which is almost impossible, so it would end up costing you a fortune anyway.

Even on this thread there were multiple people on here who believed that he paid his own staffer to chuck milkshake over him as well. Best just to ignore these sorts of people rather than get bogged down in legal action.
General Election Thread
at 10:04 10 Jun 2024

Lolz loving the hit pieces that are cropping up. Where is that from? Seems like the type of thing Channel 4 would do.

Would like to hear the explanation of how an alleged private letter from a teacher about a 14 year old is suddenly public domain. Do they have similar files on all of us ready to reveal if we go into politics with the "wrong views" one wonders.

Or more likely they just made it up.
Single file Queuing.. in pubs!
at 09:35 9 Jun 2024

One of my mates used to work in the student union bar and used to make sure he'd serve the quiet ugly blokes first and the hot women and loud posh rugby types last "see how they fcking like it for once".
General Election Thread
at 12:01 8 Jun 2024

I think <1% empty is pretty normal with vacant properties after the owner has died and before sale or voids between rents for private rental etc.

Even if you seize the property then it's probably going to take it off of sale or the rental market, so people trying to buy or rent a place will have even less chance of getting anywhere decent to live.

Also I'd not be mad keen on my neighbour's house being commandeered and filled with homeless crack addicts or Somalian blokes straight off a dinghy. Mind you it seems to be what is happening around here anyway, so probably wouldn't make much difference.
England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 v Iceland 🇮🇸 Match Thread
at 20:14 7 Jun 2024

I was going on about this the other day, happens all the time now and no one bats an eyelid.
General Election Thread
at 18:44 7 Jun 2024

Enjoying the current exchange

Premise: "The growing population has made converting pubs into residential units more economically viable, while the rise of non-drinking cultural influences has reduced their feasibility as traditional pubs."

Resident LFW response:

"This is disgusting you are blaming immigrants, I am leaving the site (for an hour)"

"This means capitalism has failed and we must usher in communism"
General Election Thread
at 14:51 7 Jun 2024

Any of these useless politicians promising to do anything about the housing crisis, particularly for young people?

It costs more to rent a room in a shared house of random reprobates here than it did to pay the mortgage on the whole property with a small deposit 5 years ago. No properties to rent within 2 miles of the city centre, 5 houses on this street getting turned from family homes into HMOs in the last 6 months.

This is in a formerly dirt cheap Northern ex-mill town, fck knows what it is like in London.
General Election Thread
at 11:34 7 Jun 2024

Lolz Disco I had to laugh at this, but you clearly forgot that media they agree with is 100% impartial and factual whereas the stuff they don't agree with is merely a tissue of lies cooked up by (long retired) Murdoch.

Agree that the Tory party need to be ground into the dust, although part of me is suspicious that Sunak was drafted in purely for this purpose. He seems to be doing the best he can to destroy them. I imagine he'll be off to the US to reap the rewards after getting booted out.

Anyway more importantly Happy 50th to your missus!
General Election Thread
at 11:25 7 Jun 2024

Honestly your post pretty much sums up what I was getting at while presented in reasonable terms.

Any media that regularly publishes stories that highlight any problems with immigration gets the same accusations levelled at them every time.

If it's mainstream media then it's non-factual or purely agenda driven (no evidence needed that it's any worse than their chosen media), if it's independent it's "grifting" "clickbait" essentially that they are bad people. Then there's the whataboutism of grudgingly admitting there's a problem, but that we shouldn't talk about it as there CLEARLY are more important issues that must be solved first, only then may this issue (possibly) be addressed.

"If I scroll through tiktok for example, I'm guaranteed to see Farage, videos of high streets and islamic people in those streets with "this is not England any more" type slogans in big lettering etc. I don't subscribe to any of those views, yet still see a lot of this stuff"

I found this comment interesting, do you think people that live in areas which have had a large influx of Islamic immigration have any right to complain about being surrounded by a very different and often hostile culture they have nothing in common with? I see a lot of views stating they are merely thick scum who deserved to be abused and ridiculed until they are quiet.

"In contrast I don't see much left wing stuff. A bit but nowhere near the same volume. Probably 80/20 in favour of right leaning content."

Could it be that if this is the opinion you see most often it's because that is what a lot of people think rather than being some grand right-wing conspiracy brainwashing the low IQ masses? I found it quite amusing you included a naughty list of media that MUST BE STOPPED that basically includes anyone you disagree with.

Then there's obviously the people joining in just to call people fcktards or cockwombles etc. the usual tedious insults because as I say they can't handle anyone with a different opinion on the subject and they really can't help but resort to abuse (whilst patting themselves on the back about how liberal and open minded they are).
General Election Thread
at 08:38 6 Jun 2024

Yes I was clearly referring to a comment from 100 years ago well done.

"Have had mates who have worked there over the years, they freely admit their job is to ferment hate, envy and fear."
Also this is true and 100% totally not made up
Man City - "Tryanny of the majority"
at 10:59 5 Jun 2024

I love Man City winning everything, as said already it stops teams I hate winning them instead and also they are so dull with their passionless fans and their technically perfect but spreadsheet football sucking the life out of games that they make every Premier League season a boring procession.

The more the Premier League "product" is devalued the better, I'd like to see Man City win the next 10 titles and then after that get charged and all of them get rendered null and void making the whole thing completely pointless.
General Election Thread
at 10:36 5 Jun 2024

There's a subset of the population that simply can't handle any media that has a different viewpoint. I don't like the Guardian much either but don't rant on about it all the time or want to see it banned.

The main complaint against the Daily Mail seems to be publishing uncomfortable truths that they would rather people didn't hear about, such as any problems associated with immigration as that would be "promoting hate" or some other nonsense. If a story is true then people should be allowed to read about it.
General Election Thread
at 08:57 5 Jun 2024

People consume the media that reflects their views rather than the other way around. If more people agreed with the Guardian and Independent then they'd buy them instead of the right leaning papers.

I don't like the idea of trying to hamper media that you don't agree with by being forced to display messages saying how bad they are etc. Why not let people read what they want to unhindered?

The opposition went along with the Iraq war because they were told the government had intelligence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction that could hit the UK in 45 minutes. The Tories might well have gone along with it anyway, but we'll never know, I suspect it would never have got through parliament without the dodgy dossier with enough rebels on both sides voting down the government.
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