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Life changing moments
at 17:07 1 Jun 2024

Gosh Pat that's quite a few close calls. Sounds like someone is looking out for you.
Life changing moments
at 17:04 1 Jun 2024

I remember you talking about it when you first split up and it's good to hear how it's all turned out better than okay.

I hope your visits last season coincided with the end of the season rather than the beginning!
at 09:10 1 Jun 2024

It probably won't be worth getting a great team of pundits/presenters together for ten matches so it really will be bargain basement time. Even on Sky the pundits are a step down for the Champioship.
Life changing moments
at 09:01 1 Jun 2024

It's hard to think of what to say to you Loftgirl but I'm so sorry this happened to you.

I hope you're getting the support you deserve.

How parents could not only not fiercely protect their kids but actively harm them just mystifies me. It's literally heartbreaking.
Life changing moments
at 08:57 1 Jun 2024

My parents stayed together and most of the time argued with each other and took all of that out on me (being the youngest and home for most of the time and being less of what my parents wanted than my siblings). It's affected me hugely too and made me lack confidence for most of my life and get involved with the wrong kind of friends and partners because people not being nice to me seemed very familiar. Also I had no template for a loving, respectful relationship so wouldn't have recognised that if it had hit me on the head!

I think that's part of the reason I put up with many of the players being crap for longer than I should because I find it hard to see people being attacked (I know they probably don't read this - I really hope not - but it sometimes worries me). I think I have a natural propensity to back the underdog!

When some of you talk about lovely times you have had with your mum or your dad taking you to football I feel very touched by it but also rather envious and sad.

However I did start to see a therapist in my fifties and it's made a huge difference. I'm not saying it was a magic cure. I didn't walk into there and walk out six months later a new person. I've had to really work at changing bad habits and people who were bad for me bit by bit and I've got largely some lovely people around me now and I can generally spot a toxic person from ten paces. But for me it's taken years. So there is hope but it's not easy and is a lot of work and pain. I still struggle with believing I deserve nice things or am a good enough person - but then being a QPR fan which I fell into in my thirties after loving sport all my life - it seems a natural fit...

It's lovely to hear the sobriety stories as they're similarly life changing and a choice for a better life.

These threads are amazing and make it worth it being on the site over and above Clive's wonderful writing. It takes so much courage to admit what's happened to you in your past that's given you a lot of pain.
Marti Contract??
at 12:45 31 May 2024

Trouble is annoyingly those clubs like Chels have realised you don't just nick the manager/players you go for the backroom staff. So they've taken the Brighton backroom team and Man U have just poached the Ipswich head of recruitment (admittedly he started at Man U but only as an intern. Ipswich gave him a real chance).
1st time visiting Bath
at 11:43 31 May 2024

Oh great. Hope you have a fab time.
1st time visiting Bath
at 15:42 29 May 2024

If she likes this kind of thing the two-hour welcome spa session would be lovely It's got a roof-top pool
General Election Thread
at 10:56 29 May 2024

Yep, and good for them. Not saying they're not allowed to. Just that as soon as I read someone saying they are 'independent thinkers' I see it followed by some weird theory presented as fact.

I'm not presenting my opinions as fact. Reading something on FB is not evidence.
General Election Thread
at 09:22 29 May 2024

Even worse is getting your politics from social media.

I thnk there's an awful lot of sustained campaigning disguised as normal conversation. I also follow a predominantly female forum and nearly every day at the moment there's a political post shoe-horned into a completely irrelevant subject area. For example, someone talking about cheeky f*ckers and there's a post about Cheri Blair getting freebies. It doesn't happen outside of an election, so I really think it's a thing.

It worked really well for Brexit or anti-vaxxing - you just repeat a made up fact ad nauseum and eventually normal people start repeating it as the truth. It's very dispiriting All those people who want to appear in the know or who want to believe they are 'independent thinkers' - for that read conspiracy theorists - lap up all this stuff.
Bikes in London
at 09:11 29 May 2024

I hate that.

It really is quite scary when cyclists are going so close up behind you at high speed and undertaking and overtaking at the same time. Even if you're only going at 20 miles an hour it seems so dangerous in case you had to do an emergency stop which is not beyond the bounds of possibility in a park where there are actual deer and lots of children.

What I find strange about these threads is I cannot imagine if there was a thread about bad and selfish drivers someone coming on and saying that it's not all drivers and most are absolutely fine. Denying people's realities just seems inflammatory. I was in Islington recently crossing at a red light to traffic and green for pedestrians so therefore checking to my right just in case anyone jumped the light that way, when a cyclist came on the wrong side of the road at great speed to cut across the junction turning right on the red light and missed me by centimetres swearing away at me. I didn't really care about the vast majority of cyclists being considerate. All I thought was he could have really hurt me. He wasn't a delivery driver, just an asshole.

I also agree though that drivers seem to have become ridiculously selfish too. No one seems to indicate these days when leaving a junction, leaving a parking space, undertaking any manoeuvre. Quite often people just stop in the middle of the road while they decide which way they're going to go with no indicator. You just have to guess what someone is going to do. It makes driving a bit like wacky races.
Leicester’s Maresca to Chelsea
at 07:17 28 May 2024

On the face of it this seems a bit like if they'd appointed Vincent Company at the end of last season. If anything Leicester have underperformed given their ridiculous wealth of playing talent compared to most of the Championship clubs.

I think they should have performed similarly to Man City compared to the rest of the Prem. Yet they lost 11 matches compared to Man City's three (admittedly we play eight more games but still a big discrepancy). We only lost 20 in one of the worst starts to a league we've ever known. In comparison 16th in the Prem has lost 19 matches, nearly six times the number of Man City.

Of course he may be a miracle worker at Prem level but it would be really funny if he wasn't. Chels must be paying £10 million a year just in compensation to sacked managers. Plus they also have to pay a release clause to Leicester for a reputed £8.5 million.
General Election Thread
at 13:34 27 May 2024


I suppose if you believe that Brexit is anything other than an embarrassment and an unmitigated disaster then you might think he was an okay PM....

My point stands though that he doesn't have enough understanding of the average person's lives or how businesses work. Also he is too inbred with the yaboo side of politics and treating it all as a game, which is why he didn't consider the wider implications of playing chicken with his backbenchers over Brexit.
General Election Thread
at 09:39 27 May 2024

Yes. Two others ended up as our PM with very little experience of anything other than nepotism and privilege: Boris Johnson and David Cameron, both Eton and Oxbridge and neither with any business experience - Cameron with a direct line into Conservative Central Office and Johnson with just writing about how the world works through jobs he initially got because of who he knew.
General Election Thread
at 07:21 27 May 2024

But how many of our MPs really have an agenda to improve things. I do think in the past there were MPs that genuinely went into politics to make a difference. Nowadays I think far too many of them go into politics to fill their snouts in the trough.

Lobbying has become such a machine. Allowing politicians to take (bribes) payments to (squew political decisions) lobby on behalf of vested interests makes politics an absolute joke. I'm not sure if all other countries allow this but when you have a Government Minister saying they can no longer afford to be a Minister (on £150k plus generous expenses) because they make more money from taking (bribes) money from interest groups they represent.
End of Term 23/24 – Attack
at 13:57 26 May 2024

This is the thing. We've already devoted a lot of time and coaching efforts into Armstrong. He keeps only signing for the minimum time which I find a bit annoying for a player who's far from the finished product. He gets a decent amount of game time as well. If he was prepared to sign for another three years for a reasonable wage, then okay. He'd still be only 23 at the end of it. But if he refuses to do that then maybe we should just be looking elsewhere.

I like him personally and his youthful enthusiasm. On the pitch he also seems to be putting in a shift most of the time.

But unless he's going to commit to us, is he really going to offer that much in the next year when he'll be playing 'within himself' to avoid injury while looking for his next club.
Marti Contract??
at 06:01 23 May 2024


By the time he left and the manner of his leaving meant we were glad he’d gone!

I do think/hope we’ve finally learnt from that though and got some succession planning done. I agree with the PP saying we need to have someone who has a similar playing style and pragmatism as Marti.

I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’d rather he left now if he’s going though than mid-season when I think we’d be screwed (Plymouth and Birmingham evidence of this although Plymouth had just done enough earlier in the season). I’d obviously much prefer him to stay all season but if he does well again I can’t see him staying after that.
Marti Contract??
at 12:32 22 May 2024

The difference is that if a manager leaves a club then he gets his contract paid up and is in a good position to wait for the next right job to come along.

If a manager leaves a club mid-season then it can completely derail the club in terms of player disquiet, succession planning etc. I'm not saying this means managers should be more loyal than clubs but the situations aren't equal. When Beale left mid-season there were slim pickings in terms of other available managers, which is why we ended up with the Critchley, Ainsworth disaster. If he'd waited until the end of the season, we could have shaken hands, thanked him for his service and found one of the managers that were ready for their next job and were newly available.

It's the main reason I loathe the man because I believe he never intended to see out the season knowing the disruption that would cause and having set us up with expensive players like Laird, Roberts, Richards etc that I believe we only got in to lure/keep him at the club, spending money we could ill-afford.
Southgate’s replacement.
at 06:39 22 May 2024

I agree in principle that we should always have English managers, but then when you look at those in the frame in past years, you can kind of see why not. Two of them have been our managers and absolutely terrible even for us - Redknapp (who didn't get it because of the court case) and McClaren. Sam Allardyce - I mean - Sam frigging Allardyce.

I don't see France, Germany, Italy or Spain having someone so limited as their potential manager. It's different when you have people like Terry Venables or Bobby Robson to choose from, who'd both managed abroad and brought in a lot of fresh ideas. But we have over the years had far too many managers that made the Ron Manager character less like a parody and more like an accurate portrayal!

Those kind of characters seem to be slipping out of the game now and the influence of managers like Guardiola and Klopp are spreading across the leagues. Having said that I would say the three best managers in the Championship are all from overseas: McKenna, Marti and Rohl. But there are other potential good candidates like Rob Edwards, Mark Robins, Will Still and Eddie Howe who have all got a much more well rounded understanding of the game than the old dinosaurs.
Tony Mowbray
at 06:14 22 May 2024

Hopefully it's just because he needs to complete his treatment. He does say he's wanting to return to management but unlike for the players, this is a fairly busy time if you're a manager, I imagine, trying to work with the recruitment team getting some new players in and planning for pre-season.

I didn't realise he was only 60 either. It's when you realise you're old when people you've thought were long in the tooth are actually younger than you...

Also hope it all goes well for him. He seems like a nice guy.
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