| Forum Thread | 2019-2020 Official Fantasy Premier League - Planet Swans at 12:13 2 Aug 2019
I have renewed the Planet Swans Fantasy League The code to join is: 0ay7fr I have renamed the league as Planet Swans (Renewed), because someone has set up a new Planet Swans League All those in the league from last season have been automatically added. Don't know whether we want 2 leagues, but I suppose the more the merrier |
 | Forum Thread | Refs Favour Certain Clubs - Holloway at 18:53 18 Aug 2013
It's great to have him back, because he tells it like it is. Brilliant quote: "It's going to be a long hard season for me with these people" http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/23748851 Saw it yesterday with us. Referee Phil Dowd to Ryan Giggs after Giggs challenged him on every 50/50 ball where a manure player ended up on the deck. "Free kick to you Ryan OK?" Referee Phil Dowd to Phil Jones after Jones continued to chase him after we had a corner with Jones irate about a missed hand ball decision 2 moves previous. "Sorry Phil, missed it, but I'll make up for it in a couple of minutes" Proper decision should have been: "Look you two, neither of you is captain, so have a yellow card for harassing me all the time" http://www.thefa.com/~/media/my-football-resources/respect/refereesguide.ashx Law 12 extract Players must not 'talk back', or verbally abuse the referee, or other game officials. Queries must be directed through the team captain or coach. Sorry, but it's one rule for the big Sky Sports teams and another for the rest of us. Ollie is dead right! |
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