| Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 19:11 16 Jun 2017
I'm saying I don't know enough, nor do you. Cladding certainly seems to be the reason it spread so damn quickly. The residents and their families, friends as I've said have every right to be upset, answer, want answers. What they don't need is the faux angst of organisations like Socialist Worker jumping on the bandwagon,. [Post edited 16 Jun 2017 19:11]
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 19:03 16 Jun 2017
Bullshit, Darren. You jump onto anything - anything - regarding people you've fallen out with / don't like anymore. You butt in, waffling about bans acting like Berty Big Bollocks. You offer nothing of any note, nothing of any value whatsoever. A parasite without any real redeeming value. So go on, order the Mods to ban me. |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 19:01 16 Jun 2017
I'm not offering any explanation. I'm saying rather than immediately guess, I'd rather wait for the experts to fully investigate rather than jump to conclusion. |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 18:46 16 Jun 2017
I've never said none of the protestors were residents. There's zero chance ALL of the protestors were residents - christ, look at the BBC footage. Socialist Worker banners were clearly noticeable. Residents have every right to be angry, confused, hurt. what is hurting their legitimate anger is other groups latching onto any protests for their own agendas. Right now, calm heads are needed. It's understandable residents want answers right now - it doesn't work that way. No-one has a magic single answer what can give them closure via the truth. Full inquiries are absolutely needed. Discovery of what really happened needs to happen - cladding right now seems to be the obvious reason; residents also mentioned gas pipes had been moved. The Guardian live coverage cited a resident as saying there had been a smell since the pipes were worked on. If that is true, then there could well be a "perfect storm" of events, of which cladding is but one element. |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 18:23 16 Jun 2017
Name the true culprits. That'll save the cost of inquiries, oh font of all wisdom. When exactly have I "slagged off the victims"? You really are an odious cvnt, attributing vile claims like that towards others. |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 17:17 16 Jun 2017
I've barely spoken about it until today hey ho. If you want to underestimate Jones then fine. Good luck, enjoy the riots. Surprise, surprise, I learnt abut the D notice claim from the twitter account of Aaron Bastani... more assumptions by you, hmm? |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 17:16 16 Jun 2017
Darren, you speak for yourself only. Quite frankly, coming from you that's a compliment the way you bully poor perchie. |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 17:05 16 Jun 2017
I'm going on about Jones due to Jones actions causing more trouble than it solves. |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 17:03 16 Jun 2017
In your opinion. As things progress, stoked by the likes of Jones and Lammy I've no doubt riots will occur. As previous riots have tended to show, it's less the case of caring about the original issue and more about liking to smash sh*t up. Coz that's getting back at the man, right? It's a time for calm heads. The appropriate inquiries are needed to apportion blame where blame is needed, to learn lessons for the future. Lammy and Jones want mobs to riot. Jones has called for "civil disobedience". Poor were targetted by those evil Troy toffs. That's the agenda; the truth matters not one iota to either of them. This tragedy has already been politicised, it's been politicised by members of Labour, by Labour supporters and by the "new media" who back Corbyn, giving out the "truth" msm don't. Like Squawkbox with the ridiculous "D notice" claim. |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 16:50 16 Jun 2017
Read as much there as I could before falling asleep. Of course there won't be any such move made, Lammy knows that it's playing cheap politics, pandering to the mob. Owen Jones et al must be masturbating furiously at the moment seeing the scenes at Kensington Town Hall. Stir up the mob, wait for the riots and try to profit politically from it. |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 16:24 16 Jun 2017
Possessions and all that. It's an incredibly and unsurprisingly dull, lengthy piece of text. Reads as if written by a civil servant. States can't just go grabbing houses willy-nilly. |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 15:52 16 Jun 2017
Again, that's all supposition before an inquiry. We simply don't know at this point - hence making political points ( "tory cuts" ) is plain politicising the tragedy. |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 15:23 16 Jun 2017
Someone asked for examples of where Labout had politicised it, so, errm, GFY. It needs a full inquiry, no party will come out with any credit. |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 15:22 16 Jun 2017
"Probably"? Or "actually"? Research has discreditted the claim; regardless, Lammy et al wanting to claim those properties is actually illegal. Ironically considering Brexit, it breaks article 1of EHCR. It's a populist call, unable to be implemented. Go figure. |
 | Forum Reply | London tower block on fire at 15:10 16 Jun 2017
The whole "let's take the empty houses owned by the rich" garbage. Corbyn's filmed visit where one person conveniently is filmed saying "we need more like you". The likes of Owen Jones et al rushing to judgment that it was all the Tories fault, making oblique reference to "anger on the streets". EDIT: Labour media outlets like Squawkbox and especially Novara Media ( who Jones praised for "winning" them the election ) pushing the bare face lie that the Government has issued a D notice gagging media from reporting the number of deaths. [Post edited 16 Jun 2017 15:12]
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