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Single file Queuing.. in pubs!
at 13:58 10 Jun 2024

Indeed, in his little known prequel to 1984: 1664 - The Kronenbourg Years.
The Concept album
at 23:46 9 Jun 2024

I think you could make a case for the concept album going back much earlier, to say Debussy's La Mer (The sea, three symphonic sketches for orchestra) premiered 1905 - An orchestral interpretation of the moods of the sea, the three parts running at around 24 minutes in total - it's a kind of proto concept album. And absolutely incredible, to boot.
great song writers......
at 13:22 9 Jun 2024

When I was in Penzance recently I was introduced to Daisy Rickman by a friend, who's also a friend of hers. I would put her in the genre of 'deep'. She's just breaking through as both a musician and an artist, fabulously talented at both:


I think this is Feed the Forest, from her new album Howl:

Full album:

Single file Queuing.. in pubs!
at 13:11 9 Jun 2024

I had a fair few mental nights in Woody's back in the day. I have never queued in a pub though.
Nearest pub to where you live
at 13:25 8 Jun 2024

I miss The Corrib too mate, it was a fantastic place to watch football and the last proper Irish pub in the area west of Kilburn High Road.

This has been discussed in the election thread, but the rapidly changing demographics of this part of the world has definitely seen off several pubs, as the traditional customer base has been replaced by non-drinkers.
England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 v Iceland 🇮🇸 Match Thread
at 20:18 7 Jun 2024

This has to be the worst atmosphere ever at an England match at Wembley. It's like a bleedin library.
Life changing moments
at 18:05 7 Jun 2024

Amazing thread with some incredibly moving, heart-rending and life-affirming stories in equal measure.

I can think of two life-changing moments out of many that sort of balance each other out: the first was not long after I turned 17. I decided it was high time I had a man-to-man talk with my dad about how he left my mum, me (aged 2) and my brother (aged 1) in the shit to marry the woman he'd been having an affair with and went on to have a pretty glamorous life whilst my mum struggled to keep us fed and clothed.

I hadn't seen him for months at this point, but we were due to see him the weekend following my decision to have it out with him. Well before that happened, he died in in a car crash. I felt cheated and bereft in equal measure. I think a lot of later problems stemmed from this incident, along with the fact that our mum lost the plot after he left and basically took it out on us...

Fast forward a few years and I bumped into a friend one night who told me the girl I'd had a two-week fling with 7 months previously was pregnant with my child. Wow, talk about a life-changing moment: I went through the entire range of emotions from sheer joy to absolute terror in about 5 seconds. Anyway, somehow me and the mother worked it out, ended up co-parenting, and I have a beautiful daughter to show for it.

Life can throw you some real curveballs, can't it.
Jimmy Dunne Podcast
at 15:57 7 Jun 2024

"I love it at QPR, it's an unreal club, the fans are class.."

Gotta love Jimmy Dunne!
Nearest pub to where you live
at 15:51 7 Jun 2024

Us true Queen's Parkers drink in The Salusbury and rarely venture across the park to Kensal Rise/Green. We're also graced with the Alice House which seems the preserve of 30 somethings and transient newbies. The Falcon has been derelict for years now and is in a sorry state.

The Salusbury has been my regular local for nearly 30 years and despite the huge changes this area has seen (i.e. from fairly ordinary to nouveau riche) it still retains its soul, as well as a lot of the local trades people, including my mate Dave, the 'plumber to the stars' and Billy the rock'n'roll builder. Bleedin' expensive though.

I used to frequent the Chamberlayne, Paradise and the William back in the day, never even been to The Whippet or the Island, but the Island sounds... interesting!
Man City - "Tryanny of the majority"
at 10:32 7 Jun 2024

Nicely put, but a pedant's point of order: De Tocqueville used the phrase "the tyranny of the majority" before JS Mill - but it's no surprise Mill used it and developed it - and popularised it, as he was profoundly influenced by De Tocqueville - indeed, they were friends.

From the WIki entry on the phrase: "The origin of the term "tyranny of the majority" is commonly attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville, who used it in his book Democracy in America."

Although I have discovered from reading that Wiki that in fact John Adams used it earlier, and widely, first recorded in 1788.

Anyway, it's a joy to be able to have erudite discussion on here, one of the reasons I enjoy this forum so much. But apologies for the aside: as you were everyone!
Eze for England!
at 10:18 7 Jun 2024

This was exactly my thought. These days maverick players and their antics are frowned upon, rather than tolerated, by elite managers. Whether Southgate is in that bracket or not, he is certainly on trend with that thinking.

Like most of us, I am delighted that Ebere has got the call up. And where I think Grealish has peaked, Eze has still plenty more to offer. I also feel Eze is a more effective offensive player that Grealish; In JG there is a certain flattery to decieve in those ankle-socks down mazy runs of his that often lead to him being upended. Yes, he offers almost a guarantee of a set-piece free kick or two, and an assist, but so does Eze, plus the ability to score from all sorts of areas that I've never seen Grealish achieve.
at 20:01 5 Jun 2024

I'm sure like me, many of you have relatives who were involved in some way with D-Day.

My Uncle John was a sub-lieutenant in the Royal Navy, in command of Motor Launch ML 205 that landed on Juno beach on D-Day. Sadly he died four years ago, he would have been 101 this year. He was awarded the Legion D'honneur for his role. I feel very proud of him, and all those who served, to give us the freedom that we enjoy today.

Edit: I've just found an email from him where he explains his role more fully:

"I was on the bridge directing one of the columns towards its allocated beach. Our MLs were known as Directional Leaders as we had been fitted with very secret radars which could pin-point our position in the English Channel very precisely.

A couple of weeks after the landings I was ordered back to UK to begin extensive training for what was then a record distance for such small boats - over 8000 miles for the invasion of Rangoon, Burma then in the hands of the Japanese. We had to have extra fuel tanks bolted to the upper deck, which then had to removed when we got to the nearest Indian port not in the hands of the enemy."

[Post edited 5 Jun 20:37]
Yer favourite Mr Man
at 11:38 5 Jun 2024

Maybe your parents wanted to avoid giving you both a bump of snow?
Man City - "Tryanny of the majority"
at 11:35 5 Jun 2024

One thing I find interesting about this is their use of the concept of the "tyranny of the majority," which IIRC, comes from De Tocqueville's seminal analysis of how the United States compared to older regimes at the time, including France, of course. His 'Democracy in America' was written in the early 19th century, but is still very pertinent today.

In some obscure way, I can't help feeling that a quasi-state-owned football club using such language symbolises something that is afoot in the world at large: the end of democracy as we know it. Interesting times.
General Election Thread
at 08:39 5 Jun 2024

A Blair apologist. How wonderful to see one, I thought they were as rare as hen's teeth.

It certainly says a lot about someone when you are prepared to turn a blind eye to a man who knowingly went to war on completely false pretences - and therefore an illegal war - a war that saw the death of hundreds of thousands (if not more) of innocent people and led to the interminable foment of the Middle East ever since; a turmoil which has also led to the dislocation of millions and the huge wave of immigration from that part of the world into Europe and the rise of wonderful people like Islamic State. Way to go, TB.

And let's not forget that Blair basked in the adulation that cosying up to Bush granted him. Two allies in an act that contravened international law and morality. But hey, that's ok, he was of the so-called 'liberal left', so let's give him a free pass. No court of law for him and his role in the massacre of innocents, no, that's reserved for those who have committed far more heinous crimes, such as paying hush money to a porn star.

Edit: Oh, I forgot to add: the "boring war criminal narrative" - yes, how awful, people going on about such trivial things!
[Post edited 5 Jun 9:05]
great song writers......
at 12:08 4 Jun 2024

Kate Bush is an extraordinary song writer, both lyrically and musically, equal to anyone else mentioned here, IMHO.
Eze for England!
at 10:33 4 Jun 2024

Southgate on Eze last night:

"Eze played with that freedom and swagger that he plays for his club with. It's great to see a young player come into our environment and be able to do that.

"You saw that ability to glide past people in the middle of the pitch and the power he has as well."

For his sake, for our sake, for England's sake, I hope he makes the cut!
Bikes in London
at 14:03 30 May 2024

Hyperbole-tastic post of the day!
Bikes in London
at 12:07 30 May 2024

I see this classic fallacy regarding road tax is still being perpetuated:

Road tax is not "charged based (sic) on road maintenance and environmental impact."

Vehicle excise duty (road tax) is not ring-fenced for the upkeep of roads or road building, it just goes into the general tax fund. Local and general tax pays for the upkeep of roads. However the amount of road tax you pay is determined by several factors, including the level of CO2 emissions from your vehicle.

Regarding cyclists, no one seems to have mentioned cycling on the pavement, which happens all the time where I live in central NW London, often when there is a cycle lane right next to the pavement and it's downright dangerous, especially when it's at speed.

And on the subject of cycle lanes, the ones that were installed on Carlton Vale (for example) are barely used at all, yet their impact on traffic is huge, because they have made it impossible to pass buses stopped at bus stops and reduced two lanes to one lane on either side.
General Election Thread
at 10:56 30 May 2024

Not unless you're Bulgarian.... (and you can multiply this many times over for multiple other countries if you want to guess the actual scale of benefit fraud)

"The Bulgarian town that boomed from UK’s biggest benefits fraud"

"Their scheme unravelled when Inspector Vassil Panayotov, a detective based in Sliven, in the foothills of the Balkan mountains, launched an investigation into the sudden influx of cash in his city after noticing properties were being built and residents were wearing designer clothing.

He found that thousands of people, of whom many had never visited Britain, were receiving up to £2,500 a month in benefits from the UK.

He alerted the UK authorities via the British embassy in Sofia and in May 2021 a series of raids were conducted across north London.

The true scale of the fraud is likely to be hundreds of millions of pounds higher than estimated, according to Mr Panayotov."
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